

SWmud is best experienced from a color terminal. Information comes across to people with special codes denoting what type of information is being sent. Use <set colors> to determine how many colors your terminal will display. We highly recommend <set colors 256>, but we default to 16 for backwards compatibility.

You may send out text in color to others in your says, tells, and on your available lines (panic mlines). Keywords must be enclosed in %^s, like this: %^KEYWORD%^.

The keywords are:

Note: BOLD can be its own color, or it can be used to modify any subsequent color, e.g. turning red into bold red (see below). Similarly, UNDERLINE can be used on its own, and it can be used in addition to other colors.

*BROWN is equivalent to ORANGE, and YELLOW is equivalent to BOLD + ORANGE.

When your terminal is set to xterm-256, the full range of colors is visible, and the # in the last entry (COLOR#) can be any number between 1-255.

Some examples (that won't show up properly on the website):

This is %^RED%^red%^RESET%^.

would look like this:

This is red.

If you wanted it to be bold red, you would enter %^BOLD%^%^RED%^ instead of %^RED%^, which would look like this:

This is red.

You can prefix any regular color with "B_" to get background colors. Changing the %^RED%^ code to %^B_RED%^ in the example above would give you:

This is red.

Terminals are automatically reset at the end of a line. To reset before the end of a line, use the code %^RESET%^.