
> picture

picture [distance]
picture sidemap
Usable by: Bounty Hunter (level 1)
Stat: dexterity
Skill Delay: 2 rounds (4 seconds)

A Bounty Hunter has very keen senses and by examining his or her surroundings the hunter can get a fairly clear mental image of the place he or she is in. However, the picture is not three dimensional, so it does not work in places with up/down exits, or other odd exits either. In addition, spatial anomalies that cause rooms to not align in a proper grid can confuse a bounty hunter's sense of direction and display odd results.

Bounty hunters of level 1 and above are able to see up to 2 rooms away. Bounty hunters of level 12 and above are able to see up to 3 rooms away. Bounty hunters of level 19 and above are able to see which rooms contain their own PK droids. Bounty hunters of level 25 and above are able to detect living beings that are aggressive to the hunter. This includes both players and NPCs. Hidden agressors are not shown. Bounty hunters of level 35 and above are able to see up to 4 rooms away. Bounty hunters of level 45 and above are able to see which rooms contain PK droids not owned by the bounty hunter.

Map legend: [o] - You are here

            [@] - Aggressive enemy
            [*] - One's own PK droid
            [x] - Someone else's PK droid

Additionally, the Bounty Hunter may use <picture sidemap> to enable a persistent map that appears next to room descriptions for a brief period. See <panic side_map> for more information.