Jan 2025
- Questing system updated to support parties.
- Newbie team quests created and quest-givers added above each team room/at Gularg's.
Dec 2024
- Added new Bounty Hunter skill juggernaut at level 45.
- Bounty Hunter's <hire> skill now has simpler syntax but gives more info.
- Hate now has a longer cooldown but its buff will last longer.
- Steallife cooldown increased (no longer possible to have 100% uptime on steallife).
- Certain Dark Jedi damage skills have been adjusted to make steal life somewhat less effective.
- Rush and bumrush do NOT require line-of-sight to the target anymore, you can go around corners.
- Rush works more like bumrush - you can use it to rush into a room with an enemy.
- Trapsweep is now a buff that lasts for a certain number of movements.
- Added <toolmake> skill for Bounty Hunters to rig up some of their commonly-used tools.
- Forensics will point you toward your mark, if it is nearby.
- Fade now lasts longer, but it will end if you use a skill (though if you do, that skill will have half disable).
- Flare tubes now lower the target's to-hit.
- Capture nets no longer have ammo, they just have a delay on use. They are also more effective, and can be used on mobs.
- Whipcords now come with 30 uses, and refills give 30 uses.
- Whipcord's <entangle> now works on mobs. The mob will try to return to its spawn point after a little bit.
- Disable now works like it used to (full combat disable for some number of seconds).
- Bounties and marks will show up in BH's <picture>.
- Added Bounty Hunter <mark> skill - marking a target give the BH various benefits.
- Merry Christmas, Bounty Hunters!
Oct 2024
- The average damage from drowning at lower depths should be a little more consistent and less spiky.
- Diplomats who are in the middle of learning a language will notice that they can start to understand parts of what people say.
- There is a new <calendar> command so you can keep track of what events are coming up.
Sept 2024
- Merchant skill war profiteering added along with battlegrounds.
- Planet Borleais has had its quests and mobs updated.
Aug 2024
- Added the <ages> command to see the mud age of all characters.
July 2024
- Added the <labelbag> command which can add labels to all newly created bags.
- Monster markers have been updated! Marks last for 30 minutes. You can also now toggle it to private mark mode which lasts until the mob dies and only shows to you.
June 2024
- A new area has been added for level 50 players to the Roche system. Type <panic asteroid> for more information. There's a further hint on how to get there on the Shantipole main message board.
- SWmud now supports some GMCP messaging, <panic gmcp> for details
May 2024
- The <yell> command now broadcasts to everyone on the planet, instead of just one room away
Dec 2023
- SWmud is on a new server - if you connect via IP address, you should now use
- Most buff/debuff skills (and a few others) have had their skill delays reduced.
- Most damage skills have had their damage output tweaked (mostly increased).
Oct 2023
- Level 40 Light Jedi skill Force Speed added <panic fspeed>
- Body doubles now scale with the diplomat's prime level (not dip level).
- New website released.
- Several panic files added, many panic files revised to be more helpful.
- Mobs should now take at least a few minutes to respawn after being killed.
- All version of repair are available at level 1.
- Assassin job collection mobs now provide hints to find the next job giver.
- Devaronian's suckerpunch nerfed a bit (the armor debuff option was a bit OP).
- Diplomat's body double moved to level 19.
- Diplomat's bodyguard moved to level 20.
- Scout's treat and basecamp swapped (treat to level 19, basecamp to level 16).
Mar 2023
- Merchant's license cabbie fee reduced
- Slicer's <droidscan> command will show more detail at HM levels.
- Ammo cases may now be installed in BH armor to increase available armor charges.
- Dark Jedi's <hate> skill will deactivate wimpy during the main part of the buff (until the "hatred wavers" message).
Feb 2023
- Shistavanen's bloodhound buff now lasts 10 minutes and provides a sidemap that highlights all rooms with actively aggro mobs.
- Merchant's cabbie licenses now expire after several days.
- Event point costs for several items has been increased to account for longer boots.
- The goods offered and requested by blackmarket smugglers will continue to evolve throughout the boot.
- The number of special contracts available to corporations per boot has been increased significantly.
- The amount of credits available for relief efforts has been increased significantly.
- The Lucrehulk quest may now be done multiple times per boot (it will set a cooldown).
- Saps from Asaari trees will slowly dry out, and trees grown from saps will mature faster.
- Decontamination droid dedrugs a flat amount instead of a percentage, and its filters clog after a certain amount of time.
- Reboots now occur every 700 hours (approximately 4 weeks).
- Some mobs now have a rather furious nature and cannot be calmed, influenced, pacified, etc.
Jan 2023
- Merchant container quest may be attempted by multiple people in a boot, and multiple times per boot.
- Hitchhike cooldown reduced somewhat.
- The output for <scan> in space is now (more) colorized
- Minesweeper: Players will no longer boom on their very first jump
- Minesweeper: The three attempt limit has been reinstated, and is now account based.
Dec 2022
- Minesweeper: Players may now attempt the field unlimited times, and the event coordinator offers transport to Coruscant Center
- Diagnose: removed delay, and shows all cooldowns on target at HM levels
- Bioengineering: scientist's cooldown reduced significantly
- Manipulate: cooldown removed
- Manufacture: cooldown removed
- Setup lab: skill removed
- Overflow: level 10 slicer skill, can stop a droid's aggro
- Overhaul: can no longer be used while slicer or droid are in combat
- Persuade: option added to make target less effective with a guild's skills
- Pacify: syntax reworked, can also end mob combat
- Retreat: works with double, mobility increased
- Body double: made more bodyguard-like, but takes bodyguard slot
- Assassinate: level 50 Assassin skill, insta-kill a mob at low %
- Poison weapons: moved to level 20
- Advanced ammo construct: moved to level 20, no longer usable by droids
- Guard: level 35 Light Jedi skill, take all aggro focused on target
- Force shield: increased strength, duration, and cooldown
- Force push: added option (at level 20) to stun instead of move
- Poison resist: delay reduced, de-drug amount slightly reduced
- Slash: level 35 Dark Jedi skill, get an extra attack and an anger tick
- Hate: lvl 30 Dark Jedi skill, removes all anger ticks and briefly buffs the player
- Dark Jedi can no longer use Light Jedi skills while using aura, cloak, or steal life
- Steal life: changed to a buff that grants life steal to other Sith skills
- Enhance Attribute: now tied to focus and Sith cloak (no longer a separate buff)
- Block/retaliate: moving is now possible, but will immediately exit stance
- Absorb/dissipate energy: moved to light Jedi only
- Bumrush: revised damage formula, added 1-round stun
- Removed Assassin and Bounty Hunter PK requirements
- Happy Holidays! See <panic 2022_skill_patch> for more details on the below changes...
- Mercenary bodyguards can no longer use ambush
Nov 2022
- Added level 30 scientist skill: adaptable cureall
Oct 2022
- Halloween Event: Celeste will now let you <tradein [person]> to trade in five identical duplicate cards of a specific person for an unopened box.
- Training Center messaging will now be colorized and appear after the room description.
- Byss released.
- Jedi Master saber has been updated to allow color collection.
- Added Duros, Gank, Quarren, and Shistavanen races. <panic 2022_new_races>
Sept 2022
- Changed backend of BH/Assassin bounties/jobs/subdues. Should be no player facing changes.
- Added TLS support to the mud on port 7777 <panic tls>
Aug 2022
- Bioengineering implants Vision and Gills are now minor and don't conflict with the other types of implants.
- Shapechange can now change into specific heritages.
- Ithorian cultivate plant requirements lowered, patches buffed.
- Skills may now be trained on Coruscant.
July 2022
- Added <units> command to convert between Imperial vs Metric units.
- As of the past few months, Exar Kun, Naga Sadow, and Darth Vader all become much more dangerous when at low health.
- Isard Station is no longer a no-combat area.
May 2022
- Centerpoint Hangar released.
- Droid construct only needs 1 restraining bolt instead of 2.
- HM Slicers level 20+ can now understand droidspeak. At level 50 they can also speak it.
- You can now change pronouns independent of gender. <panic pronouns>
- How the mud handles light has been overhauled. <panic 2022_lighting>
- Added 5 tiers of gloves that add saber damage for Jedi
- <throw> no longer instantly destroys normal droids. Its effect against LR droids is unchanged.
Apr 2022
- Sluis ships have been overhauled, <panic 2022_sluis_ships>
Mar 2022
- <panic questlog> Added a new quest system. We will be slowly converting quests to this new system.
Feb 2022
- Both <buffs> and <inventory> may be used on players' bodyguards and droids.
- Added the new diplomat ability <interrogate> at level 8.
- Mercenary's ambush damage increased dramatically.
- Assassin backstab's cooldown increased a little, and damage increased a lot.
- Dark Jedi's memory wipe is less effective against fundamental combat skills.
- Jedi absorb's damage reduction has been improved.
- Minor update to the Jedi Master quest
- BH picture and Scout survey can now display a persistent map, <panic side_map>.
- Tripwire duration increased to 30 minutes.
- Calm now works on more enemies, <panic calm>.
- Stunning already-stunned monsters (or monsters who very recently recovered from a stun) will no longer cause them to un-stun. Instead, the stun will just not have an effect.
Jan 2022
- Renouncing a guild now returns 50% of the experience spent raising it.
Dec 2021
- Players can make additional alts based on HM Emblem points, <panic multi>
Oct 2021
- Retrovirus healing effect changed to scale better with current player health pools
- Diplomat's Coruscant condo is now level 6 (no beeper until HM though)
- Diplomat's hail skill has been updated, <panic hail>
Sept 2021
- Cabs and shuttles now fly through space, <panic 2021_shuttles_patch>
Aug 2021
- Doors now need to be opened explicitly again (though they unlock automatically).
- Players no longer need to purchase licenses for their multi slots
- Added omni-holster as a <combine> option.
- New diplomat skill to ignore alignment changes (panic dogmatic)
July 2021
- Revamped diplomat <getinfo> skill.
June 2021
- Updated how race panic files display information.
- Ithorian racials buffed slightly.
- Diplomats may hire bodyguards from any race whose language they've learned.
- Added "non-binary" as a gender option for players.
- Added <panic xmap> as a slightly better way of finding the xterm-256 color you want.
May 2021
- Sluissi may now use <repairall> on vehicles
- Tweaked how mobs dying worked in special cases. Also, droids have corpses now.
- Bimm Shoptalk skill has been updated to be a little more useful.
- Relaxed blaster equipment wear requirements in many cases, to support non-primary mercenaries.
- New level 9 mercenary skill added - field dressing. <panic fielddress>.
- Battle alertness is now available to all players.
- Merchant datapad will drop things on the dock if you're not there.
- Smuggler Catalog will now just leave items on the dock if you're not there to pick them up.
- Gold poison has been made more effective.
- Hyperspace now correctly calculates the closest approach to a planet when determining if you can hyp to another system.
- Light Jedi pdamage now lets you actively choose the reflect target, <panic pdamage>.
Apr 2021
- Bowcasters now better live up to their reputations.
- Updated <panic bouncing>.
- Bounty hunter armor has been updated, panic 2021_bh_armor
- Clawdite <shapechange> study lists now last all boot.
- Changes to Cab Cards.
- Added some alias syntax features.
- Glitterstim gives a combat buff as well as a vision buff
- Yavin Woolmanders are now properly spelled Woolamanders.
- The <check> command will now give you useful info about equipment, including equipment in shops, see <panic check> for details.
- Failing your acceleration in space will now just use more fuel, instead of only accelerating halfway.
- Salvage distance extended to 100, and new "salvage sweep" added, see <panic salvage>.
Mar 2021
- Forge changed to the new build system.
- All vehicle piloting and vehicle weapons operate from the same skills.
- Combat vehicles get <hscan>, which works on living beings and vehicles.
- Various info commands like <st>, <score>, and <consider> now work in or on vehicles.
- Vehicles that are near the end of their useful life will gradually rust away if they are not being used.
- Vehicles can only be repaired a limited amount. They will provide several HP pools' worth of use, but they do not last forever.
- Combat vehicles that are in combat or that have mobs in them may not be entered.
- Enclosed vehicles with weapons ("combat vehicles") now auto-fire when in combat. The <blast> command provides the pilot with an additional powerful volley on a 4-round delay.
- Feign is now much more effective.
- Success and fail messages for many skills updated.
- BH <subdue> may now be used on non-subdue enemies to briefly prevent the target from using their hands.
- Most build skills (construct, combine, etc.) no longer have critical fails.
- Decay weapons and decay armor no longer need to be trained separately.
- LR droids block beeper/thumb signalling (if they block your movement).
- Guild skill settings (like battle alertness, etc.) are now persistent across logins and boots.
- Many settings are now managed by the <set> command (no more setenv). See <panic set> for details.
- Typing <train> without arguments at a Jedi master is now the same as <learn>.
- BH jetpack now allows you to <zoom [direction]> without powering up.
- Manufacture is now split into scientist manufacture and assassin synthesize.
- If you try to open a locked door and you have the key, you will automatically unlock the door and open it.
- Trying to walk through a closed door (including via skills) will automatically attempt to open it.
- Weapon durability (time before repair) increased across the board.
Dec 2020
- Added new game system: Achievements. <panic achievements> for more information.
Sept 2020
- Added new <main> command to allow players to designate their primary character
Aug 2020
- Disorient immunity is applied during and for a few rounds after any disorient effect.
- Slicers now receive their second combat droid slot at level 19 (down from 20)
July 2020
- The alt timer has been lowered to one hour.
- Hardcore mode tweaked. Benefits increased, and HC characters are now level capped at 19.
May 2020
- Newbie Simulator: Spec weapons now available for each attribute.
- Numerous bugs related to vehicle entrance/exit functionality were fixed.
- Mobs that consider as 'suicidal' to face will now be much more dangerous.
- Blasters no longer default to requiring mercenary in order to special.
- Melee, saber, and ranged weapon skill will now raise much faster than before.
- The ultimate PK range perk for level 50 BH no longer exists.
- Hit chance calculations have been completely adjusted. AC is now more useful and many sources of AC have been rebalanced.
- "Hardcore" mode with perma-death added - <panic hardcore>
- The entrance to Ryloth's Lower Mines has moved one room SE from the entrance tunnel.
Apr 2020
- Changed shop listings to be able to handle items of the same name, but various qualities a little better.
- Zvarsh promoted to Moff. Smoky and Coffee promoted to Senator.
- Areas, combat, and much more has undergone a significant rebalance. Many areas have changed. See <panic 2020rebalance> and <panic 2020why> for full details.
- Players will now benefit from idle time extensions when link-dead
- Forage changed to give reliable item locations based on level. Ecology now reveals information about the item that can be foraged in a room.
- Scout's treat wounds skill is no longer usable in combat.
- Slightly buffed <combo> and <ravage>. Changed the following to end with the combat round instead of after a certain amount of time: avoid, brawl, claw, combo, evade, mesmerize, outthink, protect, ravage, slam, strengthen, suckerpunch, tumble, and weave.
- In the event of a ship exploding, player droids will now be moved to the Coruscant dock
- Bimm <bsing> now ends at the end of a round instead of at the end of 6 seconds.
- Backflip now does more damage when not leaving the room.
- Project Image is now blocked by the appropriate acceptaid settings.
- Mobs will no longer use silence.
Mar 2020
- Bugfix: fshield now properly works only on melee and unarmed damage
- Jedi and Sith can now responsor students they have unsponsored or who left their tutelage of their own volition.
- Infinite toolboxes can once again be used by droids.
- Player droids have undergone a number of balance changes: panic 2020_droid_changes.
- Scout's poisoned barbs concoction now yields slightly more barbs, and barbs weigh less
- Memory wipe now behaves differently vs players: it can be used in combat, and can be reapplied after a cooldown.
- Player corpses decay slower and won't allow room resets. Players can pay to retrieve items from their corpse from Coruscant.
- Treat wounds has been buffed.
- Experience awarded in parties has been adjusted to account for player level disparities.
Feb 2020
- Infinite toolboxes can no longer be used by droids
- Added HM BH skill Favored Quarry <panic quarry> for more information.
- All players now receive 5% crit at level 5. Mobs receive the same at level 11.
- New armor/weapon repair shops added. WED-Treadwells are the repairing equivalent of the Fx7s.
- Devaronian free race change closed.
- <inventory> command updated with new options
- Updated Caretakers. <panic planets>
- Orbit, hyperspace, launching, and landing now take less time
- Skills now raise significantly faster at lower percentages
- HM autoloading slicertool is now automagically ion-shielded.
- Hire Body Double now uses charisma.
Jan 2020
- Fixed the apparent lack of bonus to anything in the saber discipline.
- Clawdites regardless of the race actually picked will be large at largest and small at smallest. This is to help with gear management.
- Ichthus promoted to Senator.
- Shakeoff's cooldown has been reduced and it will now remove even more debuffs.
- HM mercenary skills 'sprint' and 'ambush' have been buffed.
- The bounty hunter skill 'trapsweep' has had its delay halved, and HM BHs may now occasionally pick up the traps they disarm.
Dec 2019
- The smuggler guild has seen some extensive changes. Panic 2019smugglerchanges.
- Large saps now drop from HM trees on Bimmisaari.
- PK kill requirement for the related alt slot unlock lowered from 25 to 10.
- Added racial heritages feature. Initial races are Human and Zabrak.
- Added Charisma attribute to the mud.
- Added <retitle> command.
Oct 2019
- Added Devaronian race.
- Provoke moved to buff system. Mobs killing each other should award credit to provoker.
- Moved stuns to the buffs system.
June 2019
- Better tracking of Ithorian attack penalty.
- Weapon/Armor mods system. Affects <id>, <aconstruct>, <nanotech>, <improve>, <reinforce>, buyincrease, and a wide variety of weapons/armor across the mud.
- <mesmerize> and <outthink> have been tweaked.
- Grenades have undergone some QoL improvements.
- <takecover> skill added for mercenaries.
May 2019
- Remote purchases from merchant shops available via OrderNet Catalog item and <information> terminal.
- Parties now use <comms> to communicate. Jedi/Sith sponsors now use <padawan>/<apprentice> lines again. Custom lines keep membership records for the duration of boot.
Apr 2019
- Slicers can now check the stocks in merchant shops via the <information> terminal.
- Smuggling has been completely redone. <panic smuggling> for more information.
- Slicers can now check BEETS stocks via <information> terminal.
- Event chat is now done through <events>. You must still do <event -join> to be part of it.
Mar 2019
- Access to restricted guild halls now lasts all boot after meeting requirements.
- Scout Guild: Items required for concoctions and their delays adjusted. Impair delay adjusted.
- HM Pilot <remodel> changes now keep when ship is stored.
- Drinks - You can now drink caffeinated drinks while sober.
Jan 2019
- DR will now reduce damage taken from grenades and explosives.
- Puncture will now only reduce the AC, DR, and DT of the target's worn armor.
Dec 2018
- Removed HM Slicer skill Detonate and replaced it with Cybernetics
- Added the Scout guild.
- Smugglers can now hyperspace at level 10.
- Can now check your own max idle time with the <idle> command.
Oct 2018
- Advanced Haggle no longer affects normal shopkeepers. All other haggle and advanced haggle perks still apply.
July 2018
- A couple of high ranking Imperial NPCs have been downsized.
Jan 2018
- Alts no longer count against clan roster sizes.
- Team only stores now reject outcast members of that team.
- Villa transfer costs set at fixed 20k cost.
- Merchpad and Smug catalog orders will no longer randomly be lost.
Dec 2017
- Alt switch timer reduced to 3 hours
- Fourth guild removed
- Shuttles, lightsabers, and blasters may now be used by everyone.
- Updated messages for poisoned, drugged, and intoxicated.
- Set gear introduced
Nov 2017
- Paid race changes are now available on Coruscant
- Diplomats may now be player killers
- Onderon closed
- Added <languages> command for players. Hutt language for HM Smuggler. Sith language for HM Dark Jedi. Ossan language for HM Light Jedi.
- Clawdite shapechange now lasts through logout and reboot
- Timing for skill delay and stun restored to previous system
- Eyewear introduced as new armor slot
- Stats other than dexterity are now used to determine hit rate for a number of weapons.
Oct 2017
- Level requirement of Treaty reduced to 19.
- Added the following new races to the mud: Anzati, Aqualish, Barabel, Chiss, Dug, Echani, Gotal, Togruta
- Event shop overhauled.
- Nanoinject modified to mimic syringe functionality.
- Blaster recharging is now pro-rated based on how much ammo was recharged.
- Jedi Credit now takes neck slot - you may still wear the credit and the Jedi amulet together though.
- Gand <regenerate> heals significantly more HP, especially at higher levels.
- Verpine <immune> no longer prevents harmful injections, but will largely prevent their effect.
- Smuggler <caction> now lasts for a span of time, not a single action.
- Assassin's <pkavoid> now works against Bounty Hunter's <surveillance>.
- Smuggler <camouflage> now works 100% of the time once, but only lasts 2 minutes.
- Jedi <absorb> made slightly more effective, especially at higher levels
- Players may now type <buffs> to see what buffs are affecting them
May 2017
- More new pilot: emerg_maneuvers. ship <delays>, <repair> and <refuel ssv> added to bridge.
- Pilots gain new skill: advanced salvage
- Pilots receive new skills: evasive maneuvers, pinpoint targeting, quickfix, volley. Fast trigger temporarily removed. Space damage now scales player level. Mob ships revamped. Space exp expanded.
- BH armor can now be modded with a fortification.
- Spray has been improved.
- Double damaged replaced with Deadly Accuracy.
- Merch Corps get their own private line
Mar 2017
- Rodia Outpost renovated to HM
- Fastdraw given an update, advanced fastdraw introduced at Smug 30
- Lucrehulk Droid Control Ship released
Feb 2017
- A powerful armor has been remodeled to be more... usable
- HM Assassins specialize skill removed in place of a blanket melee bonus
- General updates to space and ships, including colorized damage messages by tier
Dec 2016
- Bounty hunters may now train disorient on targets that have already been disoriented
- Assassins may now train slow on targets that have already been slowed
Nov 2016
- Mercenary/assassin/bounty hunter may now be selected as fourth guild options
- Diplomat interest will no longer reset with bank usage, but only lasts 7 days without usage
- HM Merchants can build their shops themselves <panic own_shop>
- Low-strength carry capacity increased
Oct 2016
- Baffle kills now grant exp
- The alt switching time has been reduced to 24 hrs.
- Limited spawn items have been converted to unlimited spawn items.
- HM slicers have discovered new ways to use nanotechnology. <panic nanotech>
- Players now get reduced exp when using droids, but also get exp from droid kills
- Jedi Battle Meditation now usable in space combat
- HM Pilots 20+ gain the dockscan ability
- Merchants can now craft consumables. <panic craft>
Sept 2016
- Power Gauntlets can now be found in the galaxy.
- Added new pilot skill: jam
- Lab construction now properly results in a temporary lab
- HM assassins gained a new skill: flurry.
Aug 2016
- A Dark Jedi's lightning will now decrease their victims DT temporarily.
- Ion bolters returned to a state of sanity.
July 2016
- BH picture skill has been redone.
- A new high-level LR droid has been added: the ALR.
Jan 2016
- Compare can now be used by everyone.
Nov 2015
- A number of mortal weapons should now be easier to find and obtain. Some have even been improved.
Oct 2015
- BH and assassin jobs are now open to all PKers. Exp is awarded only to BH or assassins. PK kills will now also reward credits.
- Non-Jetpack vehicles no longer cost fuel to move; vehicle refuel cost significantly reduced.
- Added purchasable idle-out time; see medical facility on Coruscant
- HM Diplomats' dmission skill is revamped. <panic dmission>
Sept 2015
- HM Merchants get new skill. <panic route>
- Wimpy changed to absolute HP instead of percent
- Diplomat condos are now on the room builder system
- Players can now search skills by guild
- Updated to latest FluffOS v3.0-alpha8 (fluffos-3.0-alpha7.4-176-gd5b1679)
- Damage tiers expanded - <panic damage>
July 2015
- Jedi sponsorship is no longer required to level mortal Jedi
June 2015
- Renouncing scientist no longer removes first aid skill
Apr 2015
- Gwegster promoted to Moff
Dec 2014
- High mortals can advance at any guild hall
- Diplomat bodyguards have been revamped.
Oct 2014
- Adjusted HM blasters to benefit secondary mercenaries
Sept 2014
- Player council members can now run events on a 3-day individual delay
- Players can now <catch> shuttles.
- Removed the Ithorian PK damage penalty
- Clan changes: <panic 2014_clan_changes>
May 2014
Mar 2014
- Two-hand weapons can now be used with shields.
Feb 2014
- Aura of Uneasiness benefits are buffed, and now appear in <eq>. (panic aura)
- Shields no longer block damage from internal damage skills (e.x. tear & virus).
- BH armor now offers lower DR. Two new modifications introduced: passive-defenses and hyperalloy frame. If BH armor is damaged, all mods stop working until the armor is repaired. (panic modify_armor)
- Items and skills that damage weapons and armor are now work more often but deal less damage.
- The few most recent changes are now displayed when logging in.
- Aliases and nicknames can be synced between characters. <panic nickname> & <alias>
- "groups" and "members" can now be looked up in the mail terminal.
- Improve and reinforce now reset normal usage decay stacks for weapons (panic improve & reinforce)
Jan 2014
- Panic changes moved to auto-generated system
- Added new merchant corporation researchables
- Added date stamp to line histories
- Respecialization costs standardized (panic specialize, jedi_disciplines)
- Moved driver to FluffOS v3.0-alpha8
- Players now receive guild lines for all of their guilds
- All newly created characters now start with 3000 experience
- Bounty hunter armor overhauled as part of armor changes. (panic modify_armor)
- Massive armor/combat overhaul introduced. Panic 2014_armor_changes, panic combat
- BEETS reopened. BEETS operations unlinked from reboot
- Smuggler hide duration increased
Dec 2013
- LR droid positioning counters rebalanced
Nov 2013
- New items available for HM smuggler forge
- New prebuilt characters available during creation, intended for new players.
- Zvarsh wizzed
- Memory limit increased to 350MB
- Mywho and addwho extended to mortals.
- Payouts from Merchant Corps no longer share experience when partied.
- Throwing weapons will automatically target point blank enemies when <hurl>ed. <panic throwing_weapons> for details.
Oct 2013
- Reboot lengthened from 5d5h (125 hours) to 7d7h (175 hours).
- MUD hardware upgraded.
Sept 2013
- Alias limit increased to 400. PK bonus removed due to an edge case with alts.
- Jetpacks rebalanced, made easier to train. <panic jetpack> for details.
- Potion purifiers now support <purify bottles> syntax for ease of use
- Villa transfer feature added. Visit the villa office you'd like to move to and access the terminal for details.
- Guild panic files replaced with a new, dynamic system. <panic hm_dark_jedi> for an example file.
Aug 2013
- Social points increased.
- Corporations are now accessible remotely. <panic uplink> for details.
- New command added: unhide. <panic unhide> for details.
- LR droids revamped. <panic pkdroids> for details.
July 2013
- Alterations to items can now be removed (panic alter)
- Medkit purifier has new <purify medkits> syntax that is easier to use
- Additional character slot added for reaching 100% in 50 skills (panic multi)
- Memory limit of the MUD increased from 225MB to 300MB
- Disable tweaked to be shorter when a mob disables a player, as well as to scale by bounty hunter level (panic disable)
- Profanity filtering implemented on public lines
June 2013
- Ships can now be unloaded from ship bays without requiring a title
- Vint promoted to Moff
- Droid components now respond to the ids
- Centerpoint villas now open for residents
- New command: tccheck (panic tccheck)
May 2013
- Ship repair will now attempt to auto-target damaged components
- Togorian racial grapple replaced by pounce (panic pounce)
- Anticipate, avoid, bsing, evade, fury, tumble, and weave can now all be used to initiate combat.
- Gregg wizzed
- Tumble modified to allow mode switching (panic tumble)
- Coffee promoted to Ambassador
- Wimpy will now utilize unlocked doors as an escape route
- Give overhauled to allow more flexible item selection (panic give)
Apr 2013
- Clan hall transportation added as an optional addition to villas
- Frenzy overhauled to include a temporary strength buff (panic frenzy)
- Nar Shaddaa released
Mar 2013
- New newbie first aid quest (panic firstaid_quest)
- Double Damage now gives a message when it works
- Snipe and Rapid Fire added for HM mercenaries (panic snipe, rapid)
- Deaths in space now give messages on the death line
Feb 2013
- Villa delivery added as mailing room option
- Coffee wizzed
- All skills can be used on Coruscant, but there can be no skill raises (panic skills_faq)
- Character creation backend overhauled
- Page toggle and other features added (panic page)
- Hit points revamped (panic oldhp)
Jan 2013
- Space combat reworked
- Revamped drop command, can now drop all x or drop 10 x (panic drop)
- Gwegster promoted to Senator, Delta and Sead promoted to Councillor
- Spamming out now makes you drop gear instead of destroying equipment
- Merchant pads receive a usability update
- Shops receive a backend overhaul
- Merchant corporations (panic merch_corps)
- Better timezone support all-around
- Ncon gets merged into consider (panic consider)
- Raging Ronto Dojo released on Kashyyyk
- Estimate can now be used in combat
- Rig gets a damage buff, especially towards monsters
Dec 2012
- Expcheck is now colored (panic expcheck)
- Bombs now have a chance to destruct items in containers on detonation
- Poison bottles now tell you when they're empty
- Alts command added (panic alts)
- Skills command revamped (panic skills)
- Can now swap characters after 36 hours (panic multi)
- Training center accessible for everyone (panic training_center)
- Isard Station released
Oct 2012
- Vehicle bays can now carry animals
- Revamped put command, can now put all x in bag (panic put)
- Droid piloting interface improved
Aug 2012
- Uptime, forensics and investigate now take your timezone into consideration
- Uptime now tells you what time it'll be when it boots
- Animal stable added on Borleias
July 2012
- Inject gains a very sophisticated auto-targeting mechanism (panic inject)
- Syringes now tell you how many doses when you use them (panic poisons)
- Strengthen, arush, inject, collect now have smart targeting
June 2012
- Cultivate delay reduced to 2 rounds from 4, strengthen experience revamped
- New mail system implemented
- Smuggler catalog revamped
- Scour failure messages added
May 2012
- Merchant container now keeps items across login
- Sims shops get bandages, specshop prices reduced
- Ichthus promoted to Councillor, Delta and Sead promoted to Ambassador
- Merchant container now keeps items across logins (panic container_quest)
- Nanoheal (panic nanoheal)
- Complete droid overhaul (panic droids, dmodify)
- PK droid names now displayed when deployed
- Skill %s are now displayed on skill raises
- New pilot missions released (panic pilot_missions)
Apr 2012
- Combine revamped
- HM Villas are now available (panic villas)
Mar 2012
- Delta wizzed
- Endor garrison revamped
- Healing amounts now displayed for all forms of healing
- Human racials no longer have nerfed success rate
- Sead wizzed
Feb 2012
- Advanced steal now personalizes the appropriate weapons like HM merch personalize
- Insult now works against monsters on the diplomat's team
- Retrovirus initial inject message added
- Who updated to show HM guild colors
- Combat color added (panic setenv)
- Xterm-256 color support added (panic terminal, color for more info)
- Vint promoted to Senator, Gwegster promoted to Councillor
- Stavros and Willow promoted to Moff
- Reinforce fail messages now also show to the room
- Forge now checks to see if a card is held before consuming it
- Alter no longer moves items in players' inventories
- All lightsabers in the sims converted to practice sabers
- Minimum level for Jedi moved from 5 to 4
- Drug analyzer functionality added to HM Scientist Toolkit
- Borleias released
Jan 2012
- Backstab failure messages added
Dec 2011
- Backstab failure messages added
- Various backflip functionality fixes
- Frenzy added to delays
Oct 2011
- Chocolate Frog event rewards now able to be collected year-round
- New bounty hunter skill surveillance added.(<panic surveillance> for details)
- Dantooine released
Sept 2011
- Penalties for deaths have been changed (<panic death> for details)
- Repair skill made available to more guilds. (<panic repair> for details)
- Skills or objects using toolboxes now draw from as many as needed
June 2011
- Aura of uneasiness moved to level 4
- Heal and inflict pain moved to level 1, and delays for both lowered
- Skills or objects using bacta now draw from as many medkits as needed
- Mix poison has new messages and crit fails less often
- Poisoned weapons proc less often to compensate for poison buffs
- Gammorean frenzy reworked (<panic frenzy> for more info)
- Login menu selection for multiple characters
- New feelings daemon conjugates properly, can use feelings on lines
May 2011
- Players may <wire> money to offline players from any bank
- Party exp is split equally among members, and there is a slight bonus
- Padawan, apprentice, and clan lines support line history
- Ammo construct level reqs. changed, and delays reduced (<panic aconstruct>)
- Wimpy does not trigger against players
- Revamped Gamorr arena opened
Apr 2011
- Merchant container quest opened
- Mortals can see all HM panic files
- Petition system released (<panic petition> for detail)
- Multiple characters allowed (with limitations, <panic multi> for details)
Mar 2011
- New options for the prompt (<panic prompt> for details)
- PK titles released (<panic pktitles> for detail)
- Cabbie bribe changed extensively (<panic cbribe> for details)
- Wallets and keychains improved dramatically
- Mercenary ammo belt keeps ammo throughout the boot
- Revamped Kessel Mines released
- Centerpoint Station released
Dec 2010
- Merchant shop inventories can be viewed from Coruscant (west of main shop)
- Poison changed to be more effective in certain situations
- Gwegster wizzed
Oct 2010
- BEETS revamped
- Mud-wide death messages from mobs introduced accidentally, and kept
- New chat daemon, allowing <line>hist. <panic channels> for details.
July 2010
- Command rate limit increased to 10 commands per heartbeat
- MUD moved to new driver (FluffOS 2.20)
- Where's Waldo event released (<panic events.waldo> for details)
- Zombie Invasion event released (<panic events.zombies> for details)
Apr 2010
- Timestamps in tellhist
- Improved team donation bins released
- Stavros wizzed
- A new merchant skill named <meddle> has been added.
- Merchant KRT droids released
- Bespin Towers Level 3 released
Dec 2009
- No changes in 2009 due to administration changeover.
Feb 2008
- Players may now directly add credits to a sabacc pot while sitting at a sabacc table.
- When selling a ship with a custom title, the custom title will be cleared upon sale.
- If a player holds a droid's module, the associated droid should no longer be sold to shops.
- The barflies monthly "December" bug has been fixed.
- Mob pilots of freighters and capital ships may now accept requests to change the flight itenerary.
- Players may now reach 75 or -75 by killing mobs (instead of only being able to go up to 74 or -74).
- If attempting to enhance a droid's weapon beyond the droid's capacity to use it, the mud will now inform you instead of wasting the enhancement slot.
Aug 2007
- Tantrum, Ichthus, and Liria were elevated from Applicant to Secretary.
- An rcost command was added to power taps to tell a player how much it will cost to recharge a gun. Non-mercenaries should be able to use this command also.
- Claw and Stab no longer damages droids as much as they used to, since the metal exteriors can take more damage than flesh and blood beings.
- Merchants now receive a discount on Sluissi contracts as well as hulls.
- Lift and throw no longer check the ambient light of a room to determine whether or not you can use the command. Plan accordingly.
Nov 2006
- The toggles command now shows the setting of acceptaid.
- The hold command has been modified so that you can no longer give away held items or use them to construct (with the exception of a toolbox).
- The inventory commands now have a -c flag which will show concealed items in the inventory list.
- A new trailer park has been added to Ryloth.
- Nymmy was elevated from Applicant to Secretary.
- Smugglers can now also forge Af'El Customs cards.
- Fling will now affect the current attacker if no arugment is given.
- Merchants at lvl 19 can now rent storefronts around the mud. As a result, other skills have also been moved around: Advanced Combine is now level 20; Own Shop is now level 25; and Stock Store is now level 30.
- Shotgun shells are now an available option for the ammo construct skill.
- Level 50 assassins can now wipe off a weapon they have poisoned.
Apr 2006
- Bank transfer messages should now include the transferring player's name and amount when announcing a transfer to the transferee.
- A new gear command exists to show you all non-wielded, non-worn, non-autoloading items in your inventory.
- If you happen to get stuck as a ghost during the Death sequence, the newly added command callhelp should finish the sequence and reincarnate you.
- Rodia now has an office where a merchant can sell or buy condos for a normal fee.
- More weapons are now stealable with advanced steal. However, higher-end weapons may be too hot to fence, so only the smuggler will be able to use them.
- The new command linehack -hacked will tell a slicer which line was most recently hacked.
- Fling will now assume current attacker if not attacker is specified.
- Combine will now search your inventory for a full toolbox in case the first toolbox is not full.
- Merchant-personalized items can now be handed to other players to receive alterations. However, personalized items are still only usable by the individual to whom they are personalized.
- Mercenaries can now check the type of ammunition a blaster needs by wielding and typing ammotype.
- Jedi above level 19 may now study a particular discipline of the Force to gain more control over it.
- Farsight now has a 2 minute skill delay to prevent abuse of the skill.
- When multiple uses of anger wear off, the message for the final anger has been altered slightly to indicate that anger is completely gone.
- Diplomat passes no longer tear up into shreds when non-diplomats pick them up.
- HM Assassins can now change their weapon specialization after a 6-month period for a cost of 2M credits.
- You will now NO LONGER attempt to leave when the person you are following wimpies; you will stay in the room. Plan accordingly.
- Clawdite race added!
Oct 2005
- Protocol (C3) droids now translate racial sayings to their owners.
- Willow created a new Halloween Quest regarding collecting Wizard Trading Cards.
- Congratulations to Morbius for making Ambassador.
- There are now 'followed' and 'following' commands which tell you who is following you or who you are following you.
- You cannot repair anything in darkness now.
- Merchants now cannot combine belts or bags which contain items.
- Jedi sense has been modified so that when you are on a shuttle you can only sense the people who are on the planet where the shuttle is currently stopped.
July 2005
- Congratulations to Willow for becoming a Senator.
June 2005
- The first level of the Corellia University has been rewritten.
- The entrance to the Crseih Labs has been moved.
- The new Soleada Park is now open!
- Congratulations to Vretek and Adelaide for making Secretary!
- Syringes held by bodyguards and player-owned droids now display their contents.
- Friendly poisons are now blocked by acceptaid.
- The droidscan command no longer requires a skill percentage to use.
- Wookiee intimidate and Jedi create fear now check to see that the victim DOES flee from the room somewhere, if at all possible, instead of running into a wall. Note that the ability to choose what direction you flee (wimpydir) and to perform an action when fleeing (wimpyaction) have been removed in these circumstances.
- Pressing the button on the monofilament whip (improved) no longer removes the improve as it used to. Also, the syntax was changed slightly so that it doesn't accidentally get pressed when a player is trying to find a syntax within a room.
- Ion shield delay was removed, but a full toolbox is now required for each success.
- The bug where torpedos spawn within your own ship should now be fixed.
- The bays command from the bridge of ships now shows more information than before, including their status (open or closed), the ships that are inside them (if any), and the cargo capacity of each bay. Bays now have individual cargo capacities as well.
- Level 16 merchants can now purchase their own condos at a discount instead of having to go through another merchant.
- Locator devices and flare tubes now run off of the 'hunter_tools' skill instead of the individual skills which they used to use.
- Fourth Guild - if you achieve the minimum level requirement of 25/25/19. Some restrictions apply.
Feb 2005
- Messages regarding being 'out of the shadows' are now colorized to be easier to notice.
- Level 0-3 players will not have to pay any extra fees for shuttles that arise from the HM Merchant hostile takeover skill. Normal shuttle fees will still apply.
- Because of relatively recent changes to shop code so that certain shops only buy certain types of items (droids parts in droid shops, ship parts in ship shops, etc.), shopkeepers should now inform you through the value <item> command if they will or will not buy a particular object from you.
- HM Scientists now have a toolkit quest which they can embark upon by seeking out the designer of the purifier and inquiring about the device.
- The surface of Wayland has been revamped and reopened. Mt. Tantiss is still under reconstruction at this time and is not currently available.
- Clyde was promoted to Councillor and has taken over as Head of PK. Congratulations!
- A new and improved 'smuggling' system has been inserted. The system involves obtaining a smuggling computer and checking the system for current interested buyers. Then you have to find a merchandise dealer who has the goods available, procure the items, and run the items to the buyer. This is a percentage based skill.
- Bodyguards can now also be summoned while disabled.
- Bodyguards will now drop their equipment on the ground before they leave the room when commanded to 'leave'. However, equipment will still be dested if the room with the bodyguard resets - this cannot be fixed.
- Bodyguards have some new abilities through the 'bgc' command, including telling you their wimpy settings.
- The skill pacify now allows you to pacify monsters aggressive to opposite alignments, regardless of the diplomat's own alignment.
- This affects assassins also - The syringe bug which attempted to inject once for every syringe currently in your inventory has been fixed. As a result of this bug fix, an empty syringe at the top of your inventory will prevent you from being able to inject anything at all. Please plan accordingly.
- The hps command now also reports the % of wimpy, not just the amount of hit points at which you will wimpy. hps now also report whether you are under the effect of certain racial skills.
Oct 2004
- Smuggler cabbies have been updated so that they: a) don't extort players if the HM merchant is not online, b) charge for droids and vehicles if you have a cab card on you, and c) charge more to go to certain locations with a droid.
- A room message was added for the Jedi calm skill, so that other players can see when you attempt and fail. The person being calmed now also sees a message.
- A new file called Guild Changes now exists to keep players apprised of changes that are being considered or will be eventually implemented for the various guilds.
- The short description of the targetting helmet now says (linked) if it is linked to a blaster. Your opponent can also see this when looking at your inventory.
- Restraining bolts on droids will now fall off the droid if the bolt becomes detuned from the slave module for any reason, thus making the droid restrainable again.
- High Mortals with homes and docks can now invite players not currently connected to the mud to be able to land on the HM's private dock. Once invited, the invite lasts for the whole boot. HMs are warned NOT to do this with the purpose of allowing others access to secret areas.
- Players should now see their own emotes in color instead of seeing the ansi color tags. The room message continues to be colored, as it has been.
- Whether or not a Trandoshan player is furied will now show up in the hps command, similar to being angered.
- Some players are now able to see whether or not a Smuggler has been extorted, if they have enough skill in that regard.
- Players with any form of improve should now be able to improve if they have any full toolboxes in their inventory. It used to just check the first toolbox in inventory to see if it was full.
- First-aid surgery now gives experience to anyone who uses the skill, not just scientists.
- The Slicertool Quest (for High Mortal slicers) is now open!
- Areas of Shantipole Station (aka Roche) have been subjected to ionic energy leaks. The Station Commander has suggested that precautions be taken with any sensitive electronic equipment and droids in those areas. Scientists of sufficient level and slicers of sufficient level should be able to detect these energy leaks.
- Congratulation to Talanis for becoming a Secretary!
- The last Gand regenerate message is now colorized to let you know when regenerate has completed its cycle.
- Under certain conditions, Wookiee players could spam intimidate several times before getting a skill delay. This has been corrected. Please note that attempting to intimidate a monster that has not had the opportunity to hit you will cause the attempt to fail and you will now be under skill delay. Plan accordingly.
- The hold/unhold commands and the get/put commands were updated to show concealed item names to the player in ( ) instead of as a 0. You and the room still see you put items into 'a hidden container'. You still cannot place concealed items into containers.
- Primary smugglers can now also compare containers. It will not display information on special purpose containers though.
- droidscan can now be used without an argument when you're in combat with a droid. It will automatically assume your droid opponent.
- Slicers now use the same number of parts for droid repair as scientists.
- manufacture will now look for only empty syringes in your invetory to use for the skill. Filled or partially filled syringes should no longer be used when a syringe is required.
- diagnose now shows the delay until the next allowable viral infection on a monster even when the mob is no longer currently affected by a viral infection.
- Scour was changed so that it does not cause a skill delay if you scour in a room which cannot be scoured.
- A -review flag has been added to the merchads command so that merchants are able to see their current ad.
- Also, if the merchant critically fails the swindle, the shopkeeper will now only refuse service to the merchant instead of leaving (and thus preventing everyone from selling items while gone).
- Swindle now works on droid and ship parts in their respective shops.
- The last anger message is now colorized to let you know when all angers have worn off.
- Holstered sabers now autowield for non-Smuggler Jedi now. They continue to autowield for Jedi who are also Smugglers.
- Learning Jedi skills from Jedi Masters now requires you have learned certain other dependent skills first before you can train the later skills. It does not affect training the skills once they are learned, only what new skills you can learn.
- Jedi throw will now do damage to you if you throw an item at me (yourself).
- Jedi lift and throw abilities are now affected by ultraviolet (UV) envirionments as well as lighting levels.
- Jedi Teachers should now be able to improve +1 or +2 on sabers now, instead of automatically improving by +3.
- Halt has a chance that the monster will become angry and attack the player outright.
- BH devices now have a command called shistory that shows the last time a monster was subdued.
- slink was modified so that it does not require a directional argument. It will turn on for a period of time and allow you to slink any direction. It now has a delay of 3 minutes before it can be used again.
- Non-scientist/non-merchant assassins of level 10 can now repair melee weapons using a full toolbox.
- Ion capabilities from ion grenades, bombs, cannons, and pulses have been upgraded to affect all non-ion-shielded items. Ion-shielded items will not be affected.
- einv command now exists to show electronic devices in your inventory that may be affected by ionic energy.
- The clients file was updated regarding auto-login triggers. They're still not allowed, but punishment has been redefined.
June 2004
- Optical implants will now 'view (target) (direction)' in ultraviolet environments.
- 'expcheck' has been changed to show a line in bold if you have enough experience to level in that guild at that time.
- A 'pc' command was created in order to see the current list of Player Council members and whether or not they are online at any given time. This information can also still be found in the Senate Building on Coruscant.
- The Player Council can now divorce players as well as marry them.
- Willow has colored many of the panic files on the mud.
- Ivan changed the command-stacking code ('Wait.') to not destroy auto-loading items when a player is dested for inserting too many commands too fast.
- Ivan has temporarily taken over clan duties and has begun requested clan additions.
- Work continues on the HM quest.
- Work has begun on the HM Slicer slicertool quest.
- The HM Merchant container quest is being checked by Area and Balance.
- HM Merchant spec shops and their inventory are now listed in the Merchant Shop Area on Coruscant. Previously only the regular 'general store' type shops were listed.
- Amethyst opened the first 6 stations of the new improved Newbie Academy. The new Academy is proposed to be 24 stations when completed. No date for completion has been estimated.
- Congratulation to Amethyst for becoming a Senator!
- Smuggler cabbies have been updated so that they: A) do not extort a player if the merchant who extorted them is not currently online, B) should charge for droids and vehicles if the player is using a cab card, and C) charge more to certain locations if you have a droid with you.
- Holstered lightsabers will now autowield for non-Smuggler Jedi characters now. It was already working for Jedi who were also smugglers.
- Merchant 'merchads' now have a -delete flag to remove a merchant's entire ad. This is useful just in case the ad will not load and needs to be removed (e.g. for being too long).
- Jedi 'emat' now shows up in a player's tell history ('tellhist').
- Scientist 'rig' was fixed to not rig your currently wielded weapon. The next viable weapon in your inventory will be used.
- Merchant 'swindle' now works in conjunction with Smuggler 'disguise' on shops that would not normally sell to a player based on team alignment. 'Haggle' already functioned this way.
- Scientist 'construct' and Slicer 'droid construct' delay timers were finally separated.
- Some important updates were made to the General and Shoutcurse rules. You are expected to read and abide by these rules for as long as you play on SWmud.
Feb 2004
- Heavy and light ammoes were changed so that you call check ammo, check ammo 2, check ammo 3, etc.
- reinforce and construct now check for the first full toolbox in your inventory.
- Droid slave modules now indicate which droid they currently control when you look at them!
- The inventory commands now show you how much weight you are currently carrying.
- The who command now has flags to look for Newbie Helpers and Player Council members.
- alias and nickname were updated to tell you how many you have used of your limit after additions or changes.
- Bodyguards were given the ability to unequip.
- 'Druggedness' was added as an option to the prompt command.
- hmplan and merchads were made into full editors.
- The sponsor command was updated to allow questbanned players to see their current sponsors' levels.
- Some of the feelings were updated due to 'abuse'.
- donate all was changed to prevent the donation of held items.
- Syringes were changed so that if they are not in a player's possession, a player cannot see what type of fluid the syringe contains. This change includes syringes within shop inventories. They also now show you a message when you use the last dose in them.
- A checkmail command was created to give players a quick way to see if they have unread mail.
- An unequip command was created to remove all worn items of armor (except those that auto-load) and unwield the currently wielded weapon.
- Players are now able to change their gender, from male to female or vice-versa, in the Coruscant Medical Facility [MED] for one million credits. Characters undergoing this surgery will be unable to withstand another operation for three months.
- The Administration released a general announcement that players not buy and sell unreasonable amounts of items in order to run up skill percentages (like haggle), or the sell command will be modified to prevent such selling.
- Some of the prices for clan purchases were raised.
- The High Mortal Quest is still under construction.
- The Slicer Slicertool Quest is currently under construction.
- The Merchant Container Quest is currently submitted to Area and Balance.
- Nar Shaddaa was submitted to Area and Balance before the crash, but suffered a set back due to the crash. It is still in progress at this time.
- Af'El has been released!
- Congratulations to Jessica and Morbius for making Secretary!
- Congratulations to Aerin for making Ambassador!
- Improve can no longer be used during combat.
- The fastdraw skill should now hold your weapon after being drawn, so that you can't accidentally sell it.
- Bodyguards should not take all of the experience for a kill any longer if they make the kill.
- The droid daemon was significantly updated in order to allow for the new HM slicer abilities under Advanced Droid Control, including multiple droids slaved to one module and repetition of commands. As a result, the syntax for droid control was also updated: all control commands now require the word 'to' as part of the command. Please read the new panic file carefully.
- With the exception of the Merchant Container Quest, the Merchant guild has completed its renovation. Keep an eye out for a new Merchant trading system in the next few months, too. It promises to be interesting.
- The Bimm race is no longer a selectable option for player creation. Current Bimm players may keep their characters without any penalty, but there will be no new Bimms.
- Morgan had released 3 new races before the crash, and the mud had gone through a race change period. With the crash, the races had to be re-released. Morgan released 5 new races the second time around: Gand, Gungan, Togorian, Verpine, and Zabrak. Ideas for stats and skills go to various other players and coders. We thank you all.
- A crash on November 19, 2003 set back the mud about two months (the backups that had been made were accidentally erased as well). Most of the coding was replaced within the next couple of weeks, but some of the larger projects have yet to be refinished, and some of the minor tweaks may not yet have been remembered and replaced.
Sept 2003
- Jedi sponsors now have a special line in order to talk privately to their sponsored padawans or apprentices.
- The Mickey Rukh Hat was changed to start as 'unsized' so that species not of 'medium' size will not have to resize the hat to wear it.
- The diplomat bin in the Coruscant Senate building no longer costs any money to use.
- Married players will notice a change in wedding rings that now tells you whether or not you have been widowed (if your spouse has suicided). You will also be informed that your spouse is or is not around as you log out.
- Upon login, you are informed if there are any merchant advertisements currently posted.
- Current MUD uptime is now shown before a player logs in. This especially helps HMs who have HM second characters so that they may see whether or not it is a new boot and may want to log in the other character.
- who_nhbanned - allows the Player Council to see who been banned from becoming newbie helpers.
- weapon_type - defines the category that melee weapons fall into.
- toggles - changed so that you may specify a flag to see only toggles of that particular type.
- ignore_cabbie - allows players to toggle receiving the messages from smuggler cabbies as they enter.
- Diplomats now have the 'relieve' skill, which will try to boost the economy to raise more funds for a shop to use if it is already near financial collapse.
- Merchants now have the 'shopinfo' skill, which will tell them how much money the shop has left, what affiliation it will or won't sell to, and what other shops it may be partnered with regarding funds.
- Shops now have a limited amount of funds with which to buy merchandise from you. This means a shop may run out of money and you may have to travel elsewhere to sell your items.
- Some shops now refuse to sell to certain individuals based on their team, guild, and/or PK affiliation.
- Shop formatting was changed to show quantities of items on the right instead of showing each item individually. Alternating bold and dim white coloring was also added to make line separation easier to see.
- Shops now hold more items in stock and the stock does not rollover or reset as often as it did previously.
- When asking for the 'cost' of an item, shopkeepers still haggle with you, so you may wind up paying slightly more or less than you were informed. (Players have whined that they'd never pay more in real life than originally suggested, and the wizards' responded: "Deal with it as is or we'll just remove the 'cost' function".)
- When the shop is low on stock of a particular item, the price increases some due to supply vs. demand.
- Shops no longer have 'unlimited' stock supplies. All supplies are limited. Shops should also have headings over the columns now to label them more clearly.
- Droid parts must now be sold to droid shops. Ship parts must be sold to ship shops. All other weapons, armor, and miscellaneous items are still sold to regular shops.
- SWMud's Commerce system is undergoing some major changes. Several phases have already been implemented, with more to come which have not been announced but will be added as they become ready. Among those commerce changes which have already taken place:
- Space PK initiation of aggression has been changed. All previous methods of initiating space PK still work, but the following new methods are now being factored into whether or not you may initiate space combat: a) clan aggression, b) persistent aggression, c) retaliation is allowed if you are already agressive via ground combat to a PK player on another ship. These changes only affect the INITIATION of space PK, not space combat itself. Initiating space PK does NOT affect ground combat initiation.
- Ivan has been spotted visible (*gasp*) on the mud, furiously coding away on the HM quest and testing it with a character called 'Ivantest' (how original). It is safe to say that things are again underway and might even be done sometime resembling 'soon'. But that's 'unofficial'.
- A Sluissi tail bracelet shop was added to Sluis Van Shipyards.
- A mailroom was added to the diplomat area of the Senate building on Coruscant.
- The initial area of the planet Togoria opened. Expansions are planned for the future.
- Jessica is now an Applicant.
- Pixel was promoted to the rank of Secretary.
- Willow was promoted to the rank of Ambassador.
- Titania and Amethyst were both promoted to the rank of Councillor.
- Some additions to HM Jedi compel were added to go along with the recent commerce changes.
- The subdue skill was modified so that after a bounty hunter subdues a mob, (s)he cannot re-subdue it for at least one hour. This was added to prevent the same player from constantly going after the same subdue monster.
- The bug which allowed you to launch a distance of 0 from a planet (thus causing your death if you or the planet moved) has been fixed. However, it is still possible to launch 0 distance from asteroids and space stations.
- You should now be able to load and unload ships and vehicles from bays while you are standing on the dock, assuming you have the titles to these ships.
- Mentos is back and with help from Titania and Pixel, badly needed space changes and updates are underway. The projected Pilot guild changes were finally announced and are slowly underway. Many skills will change the levels at which they are available, including some HM skills becoming mortal, and some mortal skills becoming HM.
June 2003
- A new command called ignore_cabbie is now available to the general population, to stop the Smuggler cabbies from annoying you with prattle about their services.
- A new command called term_settings is now available to the general population, to inform you of your current settings for the setenv command.
- When you make a bank deposit, you should now see your new bank balance after the deposit.
- *Held* items are now no longer donated to bins when using the donate all command.
- Toolboxes were fixed so that they cannot be consolidated unless they have less than the maximum of 20 parts before consolidation. Also, boxes with 0 parts in them should automatically destruct now.
- Ivan posted a statement about the new HM quest on June 6: Things are going slowly but surely on the HM Quest. Praise goes out to the three of you who have not yet begun cursing my name. ;) I'm very close to starting testing (testers have already been selected) and hope to have things operational soon. Due to my irregular schedule I can't project an opening date, but please continue to be patient. Hope everyone is mudding happily and with the spirit of brotherhood in their hearts. Hehehe...
- After quite a lot of work, rescure teams have managed to remove the debris from a cave-in, opening more of Ryloth to visitors of that charming, somewhat technologically-backwards planet. On behalf of the Ryloth Tourist Council (read: Slave Traders Local #714), please feel free to visit and explore sunny, scenic Ryloth.
- Congratulations to Willow and Aerin, who were both promoted to Secretary status. Woo to Pixel, who is giving it a shot as an Applicant.
- There are several new skills due to the Guild Skills updates, and (light) Jedi received a new skill called Focus.
Feb 2003
- A new command called 'acceptaid' is now available to the general population, though it was meant for and will be most useful in player killing situations.
- When a smuggler dies with concealed items upon his or her person, those items should now unconceal when they drop to the ground upon the smuggler's death.
- The stats with which a Bimm character is created have changed: a Bimm now creates with a higher strength attribute than before, but the racial minimums and maximums for the race have NOT changed.
- In a shop, you can now find out what color saber a shop is selling by using the command show saber.
- Khayyin added some unique colors to Jedi Master sabers.
- The pilot skill 'hyp_trace' was changed from being a Navy-only skill, and is now usable by any PK pilot, both Army and Navy types.
- Ivan hopes to begin testing on the new HM quest very soon. (Unfortunately, right after this announcement, Ivan was called away by IRL duties to the National Guard that kept him away from the mud until third quarter 2003.)
- After being plagued with mismanagement and accounting scandals (which resulted in a virtual stagnation of all stocks), the MIIF decided to close its doors forever to face criminal hearings presided over by the Emperor (CEOs of the MIIF are getting their wills in order as we speak). The news prompted a flurry of trading as MIIF stockholders everywhere moved to sell their stocks before they became utterly worthless. The Berchest Entrepreneurial and Equity Trading Syndicate (BEETS) is now open and doing business with all those merchants out there who fancy themselves to be stock brokers.
- Coruscant archeologists have recently uncovered a path to the old Jedi Temple, but have been unable to gain entry. However, mysterious cloaked figures have been seen skulking about it at odd hours of the night. All attempts of contact have met with failure. The Chambers have been opened! Many thanks to Renna for the design of this area!
- A new establishment on Ryloth, located near the Honeymoon Suites, now offers a service to recreate a wedding band for a spouse who happens to have lost one in some tragic mishap. Along the same lines, High Mortals who have lost their beepers (and couldn't tell where to find them) may now go to the HM lounge to retrieve a new one. If you're High Mortal, you should know how to get there.
- Bimm scientists, horrified at the mass deforestation being inflicted by malicious outsiders on their beautiful forests, have been hard at work attempting to find a quicker way to replenish the demolished areas. After years of genetic research, their dream has finally been realized. Their work can be seen now in the vast forests of the planet Bimmisaari. However, inexperienced travelers should beware; the larger trees have a complex root system which has been known to trap unsuspecting travelers, causing their demise.
- After much debate about its location, Master Skywalker finally settled on Yavin Four as the location for his new Jedi Praxeum, where he has begun the training of his first class of new students. The jungles of Yavin Four are overgrown and they have rapidly changed, hiding many secrets which Master Skywalker expects his students not only to learn, but also to conquer.
- Congratulations to Amethyst and Titania, who were both promoted to Ambassador status. Amethyst is still an Area assistant.
- Combat for all players was changed so that no one may enter a ship while you are in combat with anything else. Among other reasons, this was implemented to keep players from bouncing following monsters by entering a ship.
- The Twi'lek racial skill 'trip' was changed so that the damage done is now level-based, and the damage that you do to yourself is based on how clumsy and unskilled you are at tripping. Also, the trip combat messages were changed so that you can tell whether it will be a one- or two-round stun instead of whether it is a damage or non-damage stun.
- The Bimm racial skill 'soothe' was replaced by the new skill 'shoptalk'.
- High Mortal combat was changed so that an HM which kills a mortal-level monster will only receive half of the experience points that a mortal will receive for killing the same monster.
Nov 2002
- The communication line for PKs was split into an Army PK line (pk) and a Navy PK line (navy).
- Ivan posted that his estimates for opening the HM quest were a bit too optimistic and he has had some delays from his real life. There is no estimate for opening at this time.
- The MIIF (Mlan Industrial Index Fund) closed its doors permanently after mismanagement of funds by Industry executives. A new entrepreneurial outfit is considering opening its doors on Berchest in the near future. This outfit will be known as BEETS (Berchest Entrepreneurial and Equity Trading Syndicate).
- The Hunt Club Lodge has opened for those who finished the PK quest. Find Grugnitch's brother and show proof you're in the club and he'll take you there.
- New HM melee weapons have been added to the mud to give HM assassins more options for their new 'Specialization' skill. The locations of these weapons are secret, though some have been discovered.
- Congratulations also to Amethyst and Titania, both of whom have been promoted to Secretary status and are beginning their Secretary projects. Amethyst is also working as an Area assistant.
- Congratulations to Clyde, who snuck into Ambassador status without telling anyone about it. Clyde has been working as an HM assistant among other things.
- Congratulations to Khayyin, who was promoted to Senator and took on the role of Head of Guilds after he finished the first 4 guilds of the guild changes. He is also still Co-Head of PK.
- Blasters were changed so that they can be reloaded with ammunition when not being wielded. This change was made so that non-mercenary Scientists will be able to reload the weapons for rigging purposes, since empty blasters do not explode very well.
- Level 17+ Dark Jedi may now use the Light side skill 'Force Push', but with less success than light-siders will have. Alignment penalties still apply.
- HM 45+ Light Jedi may now learn and train BOTH Project Image and Poison Resistance for Others, whereas previously they had to choose between one or the other.
- Guild changes have finished for the Assassin, Bounty Hunter, Mercenary, and Scientist guilds. The changes to Diplomat, Merchant, Slicer, and Smuggler have begun. The files for these guilds are updated as soon as possible after changes are made, but there may be inaccuracies at any given time, so take it with a grain of salt and be patient.
- The 'swap' skill was changed from being an assassin skill to a general public skill - If your primary guild is a combat guild (Assassin, Bounty Hunter, Mercenary, or Jedi) then you get swap at level 15 (level 20 for primary Jedi, of course). Everyone else may use 'swap' at level 30, regardless of HM status.
Aug 2002
- The Jedi Master Quest reopened in early August.
Feb 2002
- The biggest PK news is the separation of Assassin and Bounty Hunter points as part of the guild changes. Assassins must now do assassin jobs to gain assassin points, and Bounty Hunters must do bounties and subdues in order to get BH points.
- The Training Centers have been relocated due to compromise of previous locations. If such a compromise should occur again, it is likely that much stricter measures will be taken regarding finding AND using the Training Center.
- The Jedi Master quest is closed until further notice for cheating (again). Rumors are that it may be back up within a month or two.
- Ivan posted that he hopes to have the HM quest into testing by the end of June, and hopes to have it open for questors by the end of July, but NO guarantees so don't pester him. It'll open when it opens.
- Congratulations to Kess and Khayyin on their promotion to Councillor, March 14!
- Guild changes have begun again, this time chosen and voted on solely by the wizard staff instead of getting a 'Guild Council' involved. Changes will be made in small chunks over time instead of all at once. Some have already been put into place.
- The biggest change in this time period is the addition of the Jedi Sponsor system, which requires a prospective Jedi to find a willing HM Jedi of the appropriate alignment who is willing and able to take the player as a padawan or apprentice until Jedi level 19. Players below Jedi level 19 will not be able to level in the Jedi guild without a sponsor. All other aspects of leveling in the Jedi guild are unchanged.
- Khayyin created an Army PK-only quest. You can get more details on it from a Bounty Hunter on Alderaan.
- Team outcasts are now shown in > < on the Killers list.
- A new command exists for player killers: bodycount.
- The Jedi Master quest now has a level restriction on those who wish to complete it. See the Jedi Master file for details.
- Kess is in the process of rewriting the Mickey Rukh Hat quest.
- Ivan had to put the work on the new HM quest on hold for more pressing matters in real life, but might be able to return to the MUD sometime in March if all goes well.
- Some quests have been reopened and some are still closed. Here's the listing: the newbie version of the First Aid quest and the Jedi Master are now reopened. The Jedi Teacher quest, the Mickey Rukh hat quest, and the High Mortal quest are still closed, and an unfortunate change of guild skills for merchants accidentally rendered the Container quest inoperable until it can be rewritten.
- A lek-piercing parlor for Twi'leks has opened for business on Ryloth recently.
- Shoppers at Kwenn Space Station have been turning over mysterious Business cards to the Station Authorities. Station Authorities have declined to comment on the nature or origin of the strange cards, mostly because their mouths were full of doughnut at the time.
- Congratulations to Clyde on his promotion to Secretary!
- The HM Jedi 35 skill Advanced Farsight was replaced with Advanced Retaliate for a number of reasons mostly related to PK or using it to cheat on quests or find secret areas. Farsight has also been changed so that non-PKers may not farsight PKers due to excessive complaint and as another means of alleviating non-PK interference in PK.
- The wizards continue to tweak the new 'no-bounce' system to avoid players being stuck in rooms due to various factors. Currently it seems that players get stuck mostly when multiple players as a group are attacking one or more monsters.
Nov 2001
- And lastly, Morgan had to make an emergency move of the mud server, which is no longer operating out of his office. The current location is only a temporary solution, and the Moffs are still seeking a more permanent location.
- Guild changes are finally being reconsidered again. Kess and Khayyin are the current Guild Assistants, and are in charge of recommendations for Guilds. All ideas for guilds can be mailed via mudmail to 'guild'.
- The command 'sell all [item] from bag' has finally been reinstated after it was lost in the mudlib reversions.
- The 'hmbozo' command has finally been given to mortal players, at least for an initial testing period. This new command is called just 'bozo'. If the wizards deem that it causes more problems than it solves, it might be removed later on.
- Khayyin changed the Mickey Rukh hat to include a new command, 'nospam'. It will block the passage of spam toys on the mud, such as warm fuzzies (which can now also be turned into a 'cold prickly' - look at a fuzzy), spaceballs, and Wellington the cat.
- Superheal, Sith cloak, anger, and lift failure messages were changed to make them more interesting. In the case of anger and lift, turning these messages on is optional. See the skills' files for details.
- Morgan changed multiple aspects of Jedi skills. Saber vs. saber combat 'You miss.' messages were changed to parry the lightsaber in a shower of sparks, thanks to a player idea.
- All LR-series droids also now have a 'destruct' command available to the owner. The owner may command the droid to self-destruct in order to clean up an area. If the owner logs off, the droids blow-up.
- MLR droids were changed to restrict the movement of PKers level 12 and higher.
- It has been coded so that a non-PK should not be able to heal a PK who is currently in combat with another PK. Any abuse of this should be reported.
- Ivan changed the loss of experience for a PK death to be based on the difference in levels between the the killer and the killed. Bugs should be reported.
- Bounty Hunters must now be ARMY Player Killers. Signing NAVY is no longer an option if you wish to be in either the Bounty Hunter or Assassin guilds. All those who used to be NAVY Bounty Hunters have already been converted to ARMY or they have unsigned.
- As caretaker of the Sims, Kess is also currently working on replacing the newbie First Aid quest.
- The good news is that Ivan is currently working on the new HM quest (as the now Head of HM), and it shouldn't be too much longer. *crosses fingers*
- Many quests are currently closed for redesign due to cheating or exposure, among them: the newbie version of the First Aid quest (though the version outside the sims is still open), the Jedi Master and Jedi Teacher quests, the Mickey Rukh hat quest, and the High Mortal quest.
- Bimmisaari asaari trees have been changed back so that they do not get in a hit as soon as an aggressive player enters the room. However, if players abuse this ability and begin bouncing trees again, it will be changed back.
- The new and improved Korriban (BEWARE!!) was just opened, redesign courtesy of Khayyin.
- Sullust droids have been removed from the game. No reimbursements are being given.
- The amusement park on Sullust was expanded by Morgan and dedicated to Feor. The new additions include a Ferris Wheel, Mini Golf, a House of Mirrors, and an Inline Skating Rink. A Haunted House is still planned.
- The Endor Sim was rewritten by Xaar (with encouragement from Kess).
- Congratulations to Fyn, Landru, and Xapis on their promotions to Secretary!
- Congratulations to Kess and Khayyin on their promotions to Ambassador!
- Congratulations to Shmoove on his promotion to Councillor!
- Condolences to Torei as she is now also the new Player Relations (PR) Wiz!
- Congratulations to Torei on her promotion to Senator!
- Condolences to Morgan on his new role as Head of Balance!
- Condolences to Ivan on his new role as Head of HM!
- There is also a new command, bmode, which allows players to circumvent the bounce code, specifically for situations where there is no intent to kill aggressive mobs (e.g. running past aggro mobs to get from point A to point B).
- Beginning this reboot, SWmud's bouncing rules will be enforced programmatically -- it should no longer be possible to illegally bounce, even if you try to. The changes to the combat system have been made to reflect the rules as they stand, including situations that allow for legal bouncing. This includes tanking and PvP combat.
Aug 2001
- As a result of the memory leak, aliases and nicknames on the MUD have been limited to 200 aliases (250 for player-killers), and 200 nicknames a piece.
- The MUD server changed locations when Zurk moved. It's now being hosted by Morgan on its own box in Florida.
- Congratulations also go to Kess and Maxus, who have both passed their Applicant tests and are now Secretary-level Immortals, working on their respective Secretary projects.
- Cecil also added the Corellian Security (CorSec) building on Corellia. Congratulations on his making Ambassador-level Immortal.
- Xaar added a rather large expansion to the hospital on Corellia. It's also rumored that a Rebel base is secreted away there, but this hasn't been confirmed by Imperial Authorities... yet.
- The shuttle 200 on Corellia, which used to land on the main dock, had to be rerouted to land on top of Corellia University due to heavy traffic patterns.
- Well, the huge news is that the Training Center entrances are back in. The wizards worked to make a system which can be easily and quickly changed to a new set of locations in case any players should decide to talk about where their entrances are located, SO DON'T TALK ABOUT IT, PLAYERS!
Mar 2001
- The Guild Council has been hard at work still, gathering ideas and thoughts about guild skills. The work is finally starting to pay off, as the Guild Council is nearing the end of its duties, and soon the changes and additions will be implemented.
- Some changes to player killing were made, and they are still being tested by the player base. The most important change was the removal of old LR-droids and the introduction of 3 new pk droids in their place.
- Over 40 new feelings/socials were added, with more in the plans. The total count of feelings is 394 at present.
- An additional area to Ryloth was added. The area is well hidden and only available to those who like to explore thoroughly. It is rumored that the area has a very special item in it that cannot be found anywhere else on the mud.
- Planet Onderon was coded and added to the game. The planet has already earned the reputation of being very hard and challenging, but just what the higher levels were looking for. Onderon is an ancient Sith planet, so it has a lot of secrets and dangers to offer.
- The starting planet Coruscant was completely rewritten, with very little of the old planet left. The new planet is much bigger and better organized, with new facilities and places to visit. It also has a very excellent map system to help in navigating around the planet.
- Race languages were added to the mud. They are optional to use and Diplomats of appropriate level are able to learn other languages than their own.
Oct 2000
- A whole new event system was put in place. It involves wizards running all kinds of contests, games, quests and things for the players. Rewards are given in event points. A shop was coded on Coruscant where these points can be used to purchase special items. So far the events have been very popular as a nice change from endless hacking and slashing.
- After years in development, by nearly dozen coders, the planet Myrkr was finally finished and opened to the public, thanks to the hard work done by Skip. The planet is large and has many very interesting features. The hallucinogenic mushrooms and the swimming pool have been the weirdest, but most liked, additions.
- The cargo system on ships was made more realistic and other long sought changes to space have been made.
- The completely rewritten Arena opened to the public and has been quite popular since.
- A Guild Council consisting mostly of players was formed. The Guild Council will work on improving all the guilds and to bring better balance between all of them. The work will most likely take a few months to complete.
- Several minor changes have been made to the Jedi guild, as usual.
- The most important change has been the change of the mud to a new location. Zurk, our former Moff, is the new site admin. All the details involved with the move took a considerable amount of time, but everything is now working normally, mostly.
May 2000
- A few more Jedi skills were coded, including the much-awaited skill compel.
- Along with Sullust, customizable and storable droids were also made available to the players.
- The planet Sullust opened, adding some 600 rooms to the mud. Sullust has been designed mainly for the lower levels, but there are lot of useful items in there for the higher levels as well.
- The game of Capture the Flag was also introduced to the mud. It resembles closely the classical game familiar from the computer games and meant only as something fun to do.
- The game of Sabacc was introduced to the mud. Already there have been talks of forming a Gamblers Anonymous for our addicted players.
- The player killing system went through a testing period, in which some items and things were changed for the purpose of seeing how PK would go then and what the players' viewpoints would be about it. More testing will happen sometime in the future.
- After a lot of planning and testing, a new combat system was implemented to the mud. The purpose of the new combat was to equalize the various weapon classes more and make it more possible to fight high level monsters with only melee sabers, which was practically impossible before.
Mar 2000
- Two medium-sized High Mortal areas were opened in, for the moment, secret locations. Quite a few players have already managed to find them however.
- With the celebrated return of Mentos, space has seen some much needed updates. There are additions or fixes nearly every day. Brand new commands, such as orbit and slingshot, have also been added.
- With the increased player base and subsequently increased player killer count, clans are more popular than ever.
- Clans received some improvements as well. The long-awaited clan aggression was implemented, along with other changes.
- Imperial and Rebel teams were given the chance to donate money for their team. This money will be used to expand the private team area on Coruscant. There is a long list of available choices for the team to buy, ranging from shops to capital docks. This will hopefully improve teamwork, as well as improve the facilities that the team has to offer to its members.
- A new area to Bespin was opened, once again continuing on the seemingly never-ending expansion of the planet. In fact, yet another addition is in the works already. Bespin can hardly be recognized anymore as the small planet it started out as.
- A few changes were made to the Jedi guild, such as disarm, sense and jedi armor, to make them more useful.
- Several updates, fixes, and additions were made to the three new guilds. On the average, about 10% of the players are members of the new guilds. With even more improvements coming along, this figure will hopefully rise.
- Average player amounts have increased considerably. The amount of players has not gone below 20 at any time of the day for a long time. At peak times, 70-80 players on-line is more the norm than the exception anymore. According to the census, during one week around 300 people logged in, people who have advanced to levels 5/5/5 at the minimum.
- With the arrival of the new millennium, SWmud was lucky enough to find a new home on a much better machine than before. The uptime was raised to 3 days & 3 hours, much to the joy of everybody.
Dec 1999
- The three new guilds came out a few weeks ago, and they are a success. The players were given the chance to change their primary or secondary guilds to Slicer, Assassin or Merchant.
Sept 1999
- The Barfly Quest has been added to the mud. It gives adventurers a chance to explore the mud and do a quest that puts them on a Barfly list in the Coruscant Bar. Then the Barflies are able to compete for the Master Barfly status each month by drinking at the bars around the MUD.
- A new Bounty Hunter area was added to Rodia. It's rumored to have all types of neat gadgets and can be very deadly. Only the most daring should try to enter!
- The player council is growing strong and now have voting booths around the mud to help in deciding player concerns. There is a mud-wide booth outside the Diplomat Guild hall, and one in each team room. Also, the Player Council is responsible for holding player meetings, getting input, and logging it so the coders can see what issues are on the players' minds.
- Three new guilds have been announced: Merchants, Slicers and Assassins! Much excitement is in the air as we await the new guilds to be fully implemented, now player creation will be tougher than ever! More on the new guilds soon!!
June 1999
- Those players who have become High Mortals and completed a quest to become Jedi Masters, were given an auto-loading saber. The saber is powerless upon logging in, but its power can be increased by finding another saber and using its parts to enhance the Jedi Master's own saber.
- Several new skills were added to aid the Player Council to enforce its rules. The Player Council has been growing and gaining a more firm status among the players. Council members have already taken care of several disputes and generally worked towards an enjoyable MUD for all.
- Continuing with the additions to planet Bespin, a special shop was added that sells all kinds of birthday stuff, starting from cakes to funny hats. What a perfect way to make a friend's birthday great!
- A few fun contests were held for the amusement of the players. Many players attended, enjoying the change of pace from endless killing and were awarded with some of the Mud's best equipment.
- It is now possible to become a High Mortal without completing the quest. Current requirements are level 50 and a substantial amount of extra experience points. The system is being revised to add even more requirements, to encourage players to still try out the quest.
- The annual Player Poll was held.
- With the premiere of the new Star Wars movie, the mud has received a large boost to the player base. Several hours have been spent in trying to optimize the code to use less memory and CPU resources.
- The Imperial training planet Carida was opened with lots of new and nice things. The planet also added over 500 rooms to the mud and plenty of exciting places to explore! Rebels should beware, though, as the Imperials might not look too favorably on them.
Dec 1998
- A new hidden area was also added to Eichbaum, with some new items to find.
- Five new races were added, raising the amount of races to 17. Considering each of the races have two mostly unique skills, that is not a simple task. Racial inherits were also added, meaning that each race is inherently better at some skills than others due to their racial characteristics. A race change week was held where any player could change their race to one of the newer ones without having to start over first.
- A new, nearly 100 room, area was added to Ryloth. The area has some seedy pirates, miners and lethal spiders. And a few surprises.
- A lottery was held at the mud as a one time attraction, with the winning sum being one million credits. Nobody ended up winning it, but the spent money was distributed among the other winners.
- A new level was also added to the Shipyards, increasing its size with almost 100 rooms. The level boasts several new objects not before seen on the mud.
- Sluis van Shipyard underwent quite a few changes. Almost all of the ship building code was rewritten to allow for easier expansion and updating. A few new features were also added for easier ship building and ship viewing. Level four was completely rewritten to display ship models' stats in a more accurate way. After all this was done and working, new ship models were added. The number of different models went from 4 to 36, giving everybody a wide range of different kinds of ships to suit their needs better.
- The pk arena went through a lot of testing, much to the joy of the players. The arena proved to be very popular and fun to play in. Everybody eagerly awaits that the additions to the arena are made and it can be opened on a permanent basis.
- Almost all of the bounty hunter and diplomat guild skills were coded and added to the game. Discussions were held with players about the future and tasks of the upcoming Player Council, which should add a lot of new interaction to the mud.
- Another large addition to Bespin was made with the completion of level two of the Bespin Hotel. The area hosts a range of interesting new monsters and objects.
- A book store was added to Kwenn space station, where anybody can contribute stories, poems etc. for players to buy and read. A few literary masterpieces have already emerged.
- Data terminals were added to the Rebel and Imperial team rooms. All team members may post permanent information there for everybody to read. A lot of tips about playing have been posted in both terminals so far.
- Several changes were made to make the beginning for new players easier. First aid from a doctor was made free to all newbies. Also healing from a doctor was made much cheaper for those who are not scientists themselves. A separate newbie channel was added, with access to all level 0-5 players, coders and special people dedicated as newbie helpers. New players also receive a Newbie Kit, with a little map and some instructions to help them get started.
July 1998
- Our new Head of Space, Mentos, has been busy making several fixes and changes to space. Perhaps the biggest addition was vehicle transport, where players can use different types of cargo ships to transport vehicles from planet to planet. With a little help from Scorch, the remaining HM pilot skills are also being coded.
- All the Jedi skills (except compel) were finished, making Jedi the most diverse guild on the mud. With around 50 skills in the Jedi guild, the other guilds look quite pale in comparison.
- Data terminals were added below the Imperial and Rebel team rooms. In these data terminals players can store important information permanently, and they are only viewable by other team members.
- Level 2N of the Death Star was reopened after being closed for a long time. Since the original level got deleted quite some time ago, the whole level had to be rewritten by using old maps as a guideline. The new 2N is very much similar to the old one, but with a few new places and secrets.
- Two new guilds were introduced to the mud: Bounty Hunters and Diplomats. The guilds opened without any guild skills, but around ten in each guild has been coded so far and work is in progress on the remaining skills. For a two week period players could switch their primary guild to either of the new guilds without any penalties. Quite a few players have chosen to try out the new guilds and have been mostly pleased.
- The main village of Nystao was opened on the planet of Honoghr, with many interesting things to see. There are several pathways leading from the village of Kihm'bar to Nystao, most of them hidden, more or less. Nystao can also be accessed with ships.
Feb 1998
- Preliminary work has begun on adding two new guilds to the mud: bounty hunters and diplomats. Everything is still being planned and discussed and there is no definite information yet, nor any idea of when the guilds will be accessible.
- A clan system has been coded and is undergoing its first steps. There are currently 3 clans in development, and applications for more have been accepted and should be operational very soon. All clans will receive a special room with a board for its members. All clan members must be player killers. Different kinds of tools and equipment can be bought for the clan, such as an equipment donation locker, communication device etc. Read about clans for more information.
- Jedi alignment is finally implemented! From now on, jedi and team alignment are two separate things, so players can be Rebel Dark Jedi, or Neutral Light Jedi etc. Jedi alignment is still divided into Dark (-50 to -1) and Light (1 to 50) Jedi. Jedi alignment 0 means that a person is not a Jedi at all. Jedi is also generally being worked on, with old skills fixed and new skills added. The High Mortal Jedi skills will also be coded shortly.
- All the newbie areas around the mud were moved into a Newbie Simulator, which new players can access from Coruscant. When inside the Simulator newbies can easily access any newbie area they wish and get instant transport back to Coruscant when they leave the simulator. New players also get a set of basic starting equipment when they enter the Simulator.
- A government complex was opened on Corellia, adding almost 80 new rooms to the planet.
- Level one of a large hotel was opened in Bespin. The hotel can be accessed from near the Bespin docks. Work is being done on the remaining levels of the hotel as well.
- The training center was reopened once again, this time in many random locations. It only appears in one place for a particular player. This way if one player finds it and tell their friends about it, the friends probably will not find the training center there though. All this in hopes of keeping the locations more secret and avoid having to move the center again due to people revealing its location.
- Several High Mortal skills have been coded and the only ones remaining left to be coded are now one scientist skill, a couple of pilot skills and a few Jedi skills. These will all be taken care of soon as well hopefully.
- Changes were made to the Smuggler skill disguise. Now it actually has a chance to fail. Due to a bug in the skill, it never failed before. To compensate the smugglers for this change, a new skill was added for level 19+ smugglers, called smuggler catalog. With the catalog, smugglers can get access to items not normally found in shops. Conceal skill was moved down to level 18. Camouflage nets were also introduced into the mud as a sort of an advanced hide skill for smugglers. The nets can be used to hide large objects, even ships and are usable by 19+ smugglers.
- Planet Bimmisaari was opened as a mid-level area. The planet has a large market place and the Tower of Law, with large forests surrounding the city. Bimmisaari space introduced three new ships: Hornet Interceptor, Galactic Voyager and System Patroller.
- Planet Alderaan was completely rewritten by Azrick and new additions are being worked on as well. The planet has at least doubled in size and has something for all levels now. A shuttle from Coruscant takes you directly to Alderaan now as well.
- Cabbies were changed into Smugglers, from "dead" objects into actual "living" monsters that communicate with the player and try to persuade them to take a ride. These Smuggler cabbies can also be killed, which can be very beneficial in a player killing to prevent others escaping from the planet.
- It is now possible to advance above level 19 even without doing the High Mortal Quest. These higher level mortals get HM experience for HM monsters, just like High Mortals do, and they can also use HM weapons. They can also do the quest at any point, but will need to pay a little additional exp to complete it. These non-HMs do not get access to any of the skills, channels, homes etc. that HMs do.
June 1997
- New space pk code will be going in about a week. Details will be posted here once its done.
- It is now possible to advance past level 19 even without completing the HM quest. The cost for such is 2M credits. These players can party with HMs and get HM exp for HM monsters and can still do the HM quest at any point they wish. The only difference is that they don't get any HM skills.
- There has also been talk of coding subguilds and race specialists, but due to the low number of active coders, especially on summer time, these plans have been postponed until now and no further details are available yet.
- There has been talk of making a sort of a simulator for newbies, where they could more easily access the newbie areas on different planets and thus making starting at the mud easier as well.
- The PK arena is in the last stages of testing and has been successful used by many of the players. Hopefully sometime in the future a similar type pk space can be added as well, but this is not certain yet.
- Most of the Jedi guild will be recoded sometime in the future, when our Head of Jedi coder gets his RL in order :) Work on fixing and modifying the current skills will probably be done before that as well. But the future changes for Jedi include separating jedi alignment from the normal team alignment, thus allowing neutral players to become Jedi as well, for example.
- New ships are being coded. Kwenn space will be the first to introduce two brand new ships, Assault Frigate and Ithorian Herd Ship. Work is also done on other freighter type ships.
- Races are undergoing changes as well. Some old race skills, such as Defels' drain and Jawas' dodge will be replaced with new skills, claw and scavenge. This in an attempt to diversify race skills more and make each race even more unique. This includes changing skills that many races have, such as detect, to work slightly differently for each race.
- Droids are undergoing changes and modifications. Each droid type will be made different, so for different tasks, different droids will be needed. The goal is to make droids more an integral part of playing the game instead of being just laborers to carry things.
- The HM quest has just opened. It is a brand new quest, somewhat harder than the previous one and special emphasis has been put to avoid any kind of cheating while doing the quest. The requirements for doing the quest will remain the same. Now the quest is running and operational, more work will be put to the HM skills that have not been coded yet.
- New shuttles are operational throughout the mud universe. They only cost 100 credits per trip. Cabs are now much more expensive than before. This in an attempt to discourage players from using cabs so much since we feel shuttles are more realistic for SW, as the only example of a person buying transport to another planet is with Obi-Wan and Luke trying to get to Alderaan, and Han charged them more than a ship would have cost. This change will also hopefully keep pkillers from cabbing off planets so much.
Apr 1997
- SWmud is open under the new managing team.
Mar 1997
- Dwarfer decides to close down SWmud. Other wizards immediately launch a campaign to save it. Negotiations with Dwarfer result in SWmud keeping the machine which was built for it and reopening.
Feb 1996
Feb 1995
- Also during this time, SWmud is revised to create SWmud II. Major changes are made to Jedi, player killing, teams, and areas.
- Finally, a decision is made to try to build a machine for the mud from donations. Through donations from both players and wizards, the machine is built. Set agrees to house it at his business in return for being allowed to run a web server on it.
- The Dead Time. After losing its Chicago site, the mud goes down for a year. The mud comes up for a short time at a university site, but is almost immediately brought back down due to an administration change at the site.
Apr 1994
- The first incarnation of SWmud. During this period, the mud moved twice, but was only down for a short time each time.
Mar 1994
- During the above year and a bit, the MUD was located in the Physics lab at Cornell where Dwarfer worked.
- Mud closes for two weeks to correct bugs found during initial playtest.
Feb 1994
- Swmud opens to players in a limited playtest.
Sept 1993
- SWmud comes up and starts accepting wizards. The other founders join during this time. Dwarfer continues work on the mudlib. The new wizards work on creating areas, building the guilds, and other things.
Mar 1993
- Fromper and Dwarfer decide to create a new mud. Fromper suggests a Star Wars theme. Dwarfer starts work on the mudlib.