Assassin Guild Skills
- Accuracy
- Assassin tool
- Pinpoint melee
- Poison resistance
- arush
- assassinate
- awareness
- backstab
- blend
- creep
- estimate
- feign
- flurry
- hunted
- hurl
- immobilize
- maneuver
- mix
- mparry
- pkavoid
- pks
- poison
- puncture
- slink
- slook
- slow
- wimpyact
- wipe
Bounty Hunter Guild Skills
- BH PK range
- BH device
- Browbeat
- Fragmentation charge, Flash charge
- Hunter tools
- Jetpack piloting
- Traps
- bumrush
- cbribe
- decoy
- disable
- disorient
- entangle
- fade
- forensics
- hire
- install
- picture
- quarry
- release
- rush
- shakeoff
- silence
- subdue
- surveillance
- track
- trapsweep
Build Skills
- aconstruct
- combine
- concoct
- construct
- craft
- dmodify
- droid_construct
- forge
- manufacture
- nanotech
- synthesize
- acceptaid
- advance
- alertness
- alts
- armor
- blook
- bmode
- bodycount
- bozo
- brief
- buffs
- catch
- check
- chfn
- clan
- compare
- consider
- delays
- describe
- dipteach
- droids
- drop
- emote
- eq
- expcheck
- finger
- follow
- get
- give
- hmplan
- hmtitle
- hold
- hps
- idle
- idlemsg
- ignore
- implants
- inventory
- jedi_skills
- join
- kill
- languages
- line
- look
- lpeer
- mlines
- mreply
- mtell
- party
- peer
- prompt
- pronouns
- put
- questlog
- reply
- retitle
- rsay
- save
- say
- score
- set
- shout
- sk
- skill
- skills
- st
- swap
- swho
- tell
- tellhist
- unhide
- unhold
- uninstall
- uptime
- weapon_type
- whisper
- who
- wimpydir
- yell
Diplomat Guild Skills
- Bank and mail services
- Bank and mail services
- Body double
- Bodyguard
- Crypted messages
- Diplomat area
- Diplomatic bin
- Diplomatic condo
- Diplomatic pass
- Discounts
- Propaganda writing
- Transit hall
- announcements
- bgc
- dmission
- dogmatic
- fasttalk
- getinfo
- hail
- halt
- incite
- inspire
- insult
- interrogate
- pacify
- persuade
- rally
- relieve
- retreat
- treaty
- 256 Colors
- ANSI Colors
- An Incomplete List of Quests
- Armor Hindrance
- Armor Types
- Auto-loads
- Bank Transfer
- Bank Wire
- Banks
- Cabbies
- Channels
- Color
- Color Chart
- Combat!
- Communication
- Droid Control
- Drugs
- Equipping
- First Aid Quest
- GMCP Reference
- Gameplay
- Getting Around
- Hit Points
- Idling
- Invisibility
- Laboratories
- Lighting
- New Clan
- PK Droids
- Player Killing
- Player Killing Equipment
- Player Killing Rules/Etiquette
- Quests
- Reboot
- Renounce
- Returning Players
- Secrets
- Shops
- Side Maps
- Skills FAQ
- Social Points
- Stun Effect
- Team Alignment
- Teams
- Training Center
- Weapons
- Who Colors
- Your Character and You
Generic Skills
- A Jedi Master's Saber
- Assassin Points
- Assassin Skills
- Attributes / Stats
- Bodyguard Skill
- Bounty Hunter Armor
- Bounty Hunter Points
- Bounty Hunter Skills
- Diplomat Skills
- Flare Tube
- Guilds
- High Mortal Emblem
- High Mortal FAQ
- High Mortal Quest
- High Mortals
- Jedi Alignment
- Jedi Disciplines
- Jedi FAQ
- Jedi Master Quest
- Jedi Skills
- Levels
- Lightsabers
- Locator Device
- Mercenary Skills
- Merchant Skills
- Nanites
- Pilot Skills
- Ranged Weapons
- Scientist Skills
- Scout Skills
- Slicer Skills
- Slicertool
- Smuggler Skills
- Throwing Weapons
- Villas FAQ
Historical Info
- 2014 Armor Patch
- 2014 Clan Patch
- 2019 Smuggler Patch
- 2020 Droid Patch
- 2021 BH Armor Patch
- 2021 Minor Patch
- 2021 Shuttles Patch
- 2022 DoT Patch
- 2022 Lighting Patch
- 2022 Skill Patch: Phase 1 of... Something
- 2022 Sluis Ships Patch
- Big 2021 Area/Vehicle Patch
- Changelog
- Major Patches
- New Races in 2022
- The Great Rebalance of 2020
- The Theory Behind the Great Rebalance of 2020
- Alcohol
- Armor size
- Barfly Quest
- Basic ed reference:
- Clans
- Condos
- Damage
- Drinking Game
- Experience
- Exploring
- Feelings
- General Commands
- Hardcore
- Help with ed, the line editor
- Heritages
- Hyperspace Map
- Money
- Persistent Aggro
- Saber Colors
- Secret list
- Shuttles
- Sitemap
- Towels
- Villa Costs
- Villas
- Wizards
- Xmap
- death
Jedi Guild Skills
- AC improvement
- Combat sense
- Ossan language
- Saber
- Sith language
- absorb
- anger
- aura
- autowield
- block
- bmed
- bsense
- calm
- cfear
- change
- choke
- cloak
- compel
- decay
- disarm
- emat
- enhatt
- esense
- focus
- fpush
- fshield
- fspeed
- guard
- hate
- heal
- illusion
- inflict
- lift
- lightning
- mwipe
- pdamage
- presist
- project
- reflect
- see
- sense
- shield
- slash
- steallife
- storm
- superheal
- throw
Mercenary Guild Skills
- Deadly accuracy
- Mercenary ammobelt
- Pinpoint accuracy
- Rapid fire
- Thermal detonators
- aim
- ambush
- assault
- ditch
- dodge
- fielddress
- fire
- haste
- punch
- rescue
- snipe
- spray
- sprint
- takecover
- tweak
- wimpy
Merchant Guild Skills
- Autoloading container
- Corporation
- Merchant discounts
- Merchant stock exchange
- Own shop
- Realtor
- Selling condos
- Shipping services
- Specshop connections
- Stock store
- Wholesale purchases
- alter
- fling
- license
- marketlist
- meddle
- merchads
- personalize
- reinforce
- rent
- resize
- route
- scour
- shopinfo
- swindle
- takeover
- vend
Pilot Guild Skills
- Advanced hyperspace trail masking
- Interdict
- Piloting
- Pinpoint targeting
- Salvage
- Trace
- remodel
- remote_control
- upgrade
- Af'El
- Alderaan
- Asteroid 21
- Berchest
- Bespin
- Bimmisaari
- Borleias
- Byss
- Carida
- Centerpoint Station
- Corellia
- Corellia Defense Platform
- Coruscant
- Coruscant Station
- Crseih Station
- Da Soocha
- Dagobah
- Dantooine
- Eichbaum
- Endor
- Gamorr
- Honoghr
- Hoth
- Kashyyyk
- Kessel
- Korriban
- Kwenn Station
- Myrkr
- Naboo
- Ord Mantell
- Planet/Area List
- Roche
- Rodia
- Ryloth
- Sluis
- Sluis Van Shipyards
- Soleada
- Sullust
- Tatooine
- Togoria
- Wayland
- Yavin
- the Death Star
- the Lucrehulk
- the Newbie Simulator
- the Super Star Destroyer
Race Skills
- anticipate
- assess
- avoid
- backflip
- baffle
- barter
- bash
- beatdown
- bloodhound
- brawl
- bsing
- charm
- cheapshot
- claw
- combo
- confuse
- cultivate
- detect
- devour
- discern
- evade
- flank
- frenzy
- fury
- gas
- immune
- impersonate
- influence
- ink
- intimidate
- lunge
- mesmerize
- outthink
- outwit
- overkill
- pounce
- protect
- pshield
- rage
- rake
- ravage
- regenerate
- repairall
- scavenge
- shadowwalk
- shapechange
- shoptalk
- slam
- sneak
- soup
- stab
- stealth
- strengthen
- strike
- suckerpunch
- surprise
- tailwhip
- tear
- trip
- tumble
- warcry
- weave
- Anzati
- Aqualish
- Barabel
- Bimm
- Bothan
- Chiss
- Clawdite
- Defel
- Devaronian
- Dug
- Duros
- Duros Heritages
- Echani
- Ewok
- Falleen
- Gamorrean
- Gand
- Gank
- Gotal
- Gungan
- Human
- Human Heritages
- Ithorian
- Jawa
- Mon Calamari
- Noghri
- Quarren
- Race List
- Rodian
- Shistavanen
- Sluissi
- Special Notes on Ithorian Characters
- Sullustan
- Togorian
- Togruta
- Trandoshan
- Twi'lek
- Verpine
- Wookiee
- Zabrak
- Zabrak Heritages
Scientist Guild Skills
- Improved healing
- Toolkit quest
- anatomy
- bioengineer
- collect
- cureall
- detach
- diagnose
- duplicate
- emodify
- first
- major
- manipulate
- minor
- rig
Scout Guild Skills
- basecamp
- chart
- covertracks
- designate
- dockname
- ecology
- flick
- followtracks
- forage
- hitchhike
- impair
- probedroid
- survey
- tincture
- treat
- tripwire
- vanish
- vision
Shared Guild Skill
- Advanced haggle
- Explosives
- Grenades
- Martial arts
- Riding animals
- Security devices
- Transponder
- Vehicles
- appraise
- blast
- haggle
- id
- improve
- inject
- lockpick
- scan
- zoology
Ship Commands
Ship Skills
- autoscan
- capture
- cloak
- decrypt
- distress
- dockscan
- drag
- evade
- fire
- hyperspace
- jam
- land
- lock
- quickfix
- refuel
- retreat
- scramble
- speed
- stop
- volley
Slicer Guild Skills
- Bank services
- Droidspeak
- Nanoweaponry
- Slice
- Slicertool quest
- cybernetics
- droidscan
- evict
- hack_bank
- increase
- information
- inquire
- ionpulse
- ionshield
- kills
- linehack
- modify
- nanoheal
- nanoinject
- overflow
- overhaul
- overload
- program
- recalibrate
- refurbish
- tamper
Smuggler Guild Skills
- Black markets
- Smuggler catalog
- Smuggling
- bribe
- caction
- camouflage
- checkout
- conceal
- defuse
- dirty_fighting
- disguise
- fastdraw
- hide
- investigate
- juryrig
- pickpocket
- provoke
- sap
- steal
- visual