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Syntax: who (arg)

Lists all players online. You can also give following arguments:

who -l (level) lists all players of given level.
who -r (race) lists all players of given race.
who -g (guild) lists all players of given primary guild.
who -a   lists all player names in alphabetical order.
who -c (char(s)) lists all players whose name begins with char(s).
who -m (team) lists all players of given team.
who -r TFC lists all players currently playing TFC on Jubilar.
who -n   lists all players who are Newbie Helpers.
who -pc lists all players who are Player Council Members.

If no arguments are given, it simply lists all players sorted by level and name (alphabetically by level). To find out what the colors on the who list mean, check out who_colors.


Syntax: swho

Gives a short list of people online.

( ) around a name means the person is invisible.
* * means the person is in edit or flying.
[ ] means that the person is blocking all forms of communication.
The number inside parentheses after the name indicates idle time in minutes.
The same arguments can be given with swho as exist in the who command.
To find out what the colors on the who list mean, check out who_colors.


Syntax: users

Gives a short list of people online. An ancient command from before swho was created.

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