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Bothan Spy Event

Creator: Mentos
Duration: Until someone finds Threkray - usually a short event of 2 to 15 minutes
Level: Suitable for all levels, though it can be expensive to get around quickly to catch him
Prize: Variable number of event points, usually 2 to 4

NEWS FLASH: Rumours abound that Bothan Spies have stolen sensitive documents from the Empire. In brutal efficiency, the spy ring was nearly eradicated, but a handful may have escaped. Wanted bulletins have been posted throughout the galaxy for the capture of the ring leader, a Bothan insurgent named Threkray.

The entire galaxy is after Agent Threkray! The Rebellion wants to contact him to find a weakness in the new Death Star's construction. The Empire wants to capture him and return the stolen Death Star plans to Imperial control. The galaxy's neutral beings want to convince him to give up the spy business entirely.

You can find out more information about how the event works by typing tell threkray INFO while the event is running. NOTE: You may not get a response from Threkray if you are invisible (via any number of commands or objects) when you send him a tell.

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