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Joining the Player Council

The ability to join the player council is a privilege, not a right. It will require a commitment from you, the ability to be active, to participate, and the desire to improve the mud. In order to become a member of the council you need to be at least a level 15 diplomat. When you wish to join the council, read and complete the application at the bottom of this file. Then, via mud-mail, mail player-council. The leader for your team will arrange for you to have an interview.

What if the team leader and I don't get along?
If you are having a conflict with your team leader, then talk to another council member who represents your team about having them do an interview. If you are having a conflict with all diplomat members of your team, then you can approach any council member for an interview. After your interview, it will be the job of the council member that conducted it to get your membership up for the vote. If at any time you feel that you are not being considered fairly, then you can mud-mail a complaint to the council leader or the entire council.

What happens next?
After your interview, your membership is voted on by the council. If the vote fails to pass, then you will not be added to the council. A no vote is not a valid complaint for not getting on the council. If you were not voted onto the council, you can reapply for the position after 30 days has passed.

This is an informal application to become a member of the SWMud Player Council. This is just a way for us to better get to know you before you are interviewed by a current council member. Just answer the questions honestly. Thank you for your time and interest in the Player Council.

  • Name:
  • Character Age:
  • How long have you played on SWMud (all characters):
  • Guilds/Levels:
  • Free response questions, remember just answer honestly:
    1. What skills or abilities do you have that would benefit the council?
    2. What projects or ideas will you try to see realized as a council member? (If none, then say none).
    3. What do you see as your role in the council?
    4. Why would you consider yourself a good candidate for being on the council?
    5. Do you have any personal problems with any current council members that would cause you to have a conflict of interest within your position?
    6. Why are you applying to be a council member?

Remember these questions allow your sponsor and the rest of the council to get a better idea about who your are and what you want to contribute to the council. This is not by any means an official document to determine whether you are going to be accepted or not.

Document approved by the Player Council on Wed, May 10, 2000.

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