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Jedi Disciplines [neutral]

Jedi disciplines represent intensive study into one aspect of the Force, further mastering that aspect of the Force. All Jedi above level 19 can study a discipline. The current disciplines are:

Discipline: Alignment:  Description:
saber light or dark This discipline focuses on all aspects of saber combat.
healing Light only This discipline focuses on the Jedi healing arts.
manifestations Dark only This discipline focuses on the use of manifestations of the Dark side of the Force.
mind tricks light or dark This discipline focuses on those Jedi arts centered around altering perceptions in others.
telekinetics light or dark This discipline focuses on the telekinetic applications of the Force.
control light or dark This discipline focuses on those non-physical Force abilities which require fine, granular control of the Force.
defense Light only This discipline focuses on using the Force to bolster one's defenses.

Once a Jedi has learned a discipline, the Jedi cannot change disciplines for 3 months. After that time, a Jedi can choose another discipline at a cost of 2,000,000 (2M) experience.

In the event that a Jedi selects an alignment-specific discipline and then changes his/her Jedi alignment, all benefits of that discipline are negated, although the Jedi does not lose the discipline. The regular costs and time frame apply for changing disciplines.

A discipline must be learned from the appropriate master using the syntax study <discipline>. Jedi wishing to study a discipline should be able to find the master on his or her own. The jedi_skills command will remind Jedi which discipline they currently have studied.

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