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A male Ewok The curious, furred bipeds native to Endor's forest moon are called Ewoks. Standing about one meter tall, the tribal Ewoks have yet to advance beyond spears and bows, but their understanding of forest lore and survival skills cannot be matched by more advanced species. These hunter-gatherers live in village clusters built high within the moon's giant trees. Easily startled, the Ewoks are nonetheless brave, alert, and loyal, and they can be fierce warriors when necessary.

The Ewok language is liquid and expressive, and most humans and other aliens can learn to speak it. Ewoks, conversely, can learn Basic, though they often mix in many words from their own language. During the day, Ewoks come down out of their tree villages to hunt and forage on the forest floor. At night, the forest belongs to huge carnivores, and even the youngest Ewoks know not to venture out after dark.

The Ewok religion is centered around the giant trees of the forest moon. Legends refer to the trees as guardian spirits and even the parents of the people, which is why the Ewoks believe that the great trees are mighty, intelligent, long-lived beings. The Ewoks' mystical beliefs contain many references to the Force, though it is never named as such. They are a musical species, are overly curious, and are loyal to their tribes and friends.

Ewoks get a +1 bonus to both dexterity and force, but a -2 penalty to their technical attribute. Due to the keen senses an Ewok possess, the have the ability to detect when someone is near and where they are at.

Their small stature also allows them to evade attackers easier and thus allows them to maneuver better in a fight. For these reasons, they have access to the 'tumble' skill, as well as the 'detect' skill.

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