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SWmud Multiple Character Rules

Players are allowed two characters by default. Multiple characters must be registered at the alter ego registration room in the medical center on Coruscant. Any multi created without the registration room will be rid.

Upon reaching certain achievements, players may purchase additional licenses with which they may register more characters. These achievements are:

  • Reaching level 50/50
  • Killing 1000 unique monsters
  • Winning 25 PK battles

Once the player reaches one of these achievements, he or she will be able to purchase a license for 1 million credits. Then, the player may register another character.

Players may only log on with one of their characters per boot. Currently, players will have to keep track of the boot and pay attention to when they can switch characters, but we plan to add a menu to the login screen that shows up on the first login of the boot, reminding players that they may choose a different character.

Frequently Asked Questions about "Multis"

  1. Do I have to identify my characters as being linked to each other?
  2. What happens if I suicide one of the characters that had one of the achievements giving me another character? Do I lose them both?
  3. What about HM homes?
  4. Can I share money or Sluis ships between characters?
  5. Do I have to suicide, log in with an alt, re-register, then wait until the next boot to remake my alt?

  1. Do I have to identify my characters as being linked to each other?
    No. The wizards know which characters belong to the same player, but as far as other players go, it is entirely up to you.
  2. What happens if I suicide one of the characters that had one of the achievements giving me another character? Do I lose them both?
    No. Suiciding a character will only ever remove that character. However, you cannot register a new character unless you have enough of the achievements and licenses to do so.
  3. What about HM homes?
    Currently only one of your characters is allowed a HM home and beeper.
  4. Can I share money or Sluis ships between characters?
  5. Do I have to suicide, log in with an alt, re-register, then wait until the next boot to remake my alt?
    No. In the alt registration room, you may upload your brain into a replacement body, which re-creates your character as a level 0, and maintains the link. Due to technical limitations, things like aliases, screen settings, etc. are not carried across an upload.
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