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Star Wars MUD History

SWmud was started several years ago and despite a troubled history (mainly with site movements), is now going strong, and has developed into a very large & varied universe in which people can play in.

Following is the history of SWmud's development into the great game it is today:

EARLY 1993
Fromper and Dwarfer decide to create a new mud. Fromper suggests SW theme. Dwarfer starts work on the mudlib.

LATE 1993
SWmud comes up and starts accepting wizards. The other founders join during this time. Dwarfer continues work on the mudlib. The new wizards work on creating areas, building the guilds, and other things.

Other wizards from this period, not listed as founders, include Justicar, Bugs, and Sparraturk.

FEB 1994
SWmud opens to players in a limited playtest.

MAR 1994
Mud closes for two weeks to correct bugs found during initial playtest.

During the above year and a bit, the MUD was located in the Physics lab at Cornell where Dwarfer worked.

APR 94 - FEB 95
The first incarnation of SWmud. During this period, the mud moved twice, but was only down for a short time each time.

FEB 95 - FEB 96
The Dead Time. After losing its Chicago site, the mud goes down for a year. The mud comes up for a short time at a university site, but is almost immediately brought back down due to an administration change at the site.

Finally, a decision is made to try to build a machine for the mud from donations. Through donations from both players and wizards, the machine is built. Set agrees to house it at his business in return for being allowed to run a web server on it.

Also during this time, SWmud is revised to create SWmud II. Major changes are made to Jedi, player killing, teams, and areas.

FEB 96 - MAR 97
SWmud reopens.

MAR 97
Dwarfer decides to close down SWmud. Other wizards immediately launch a campaign to save it. Negotiations with Dwarfer result in SWmud keeping the machine which was built for it and reopening.

SWmud is open under the new managing team. For more recent updates, see the game updates.

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