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SWMUD Rogues' Poll 1998

Well, this years poll was close in almost all of the categories. Here are the results!
Thank you all who sent in their votes! We'll do another one next year!

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Best Player: Rooster
Best Imperial: Dan
Best Neutral: Forochel
Best Rebel: Jillo
Best High Mortal: Rooster
Best Player Description: Jovin
Best Player Killer: Timetripp
Best Navy PK: Mafen
Best Skill: Disable (Bounty Hunter)
Best Roleplayer(s): Set & Bookie
Best Area: Crseih
Best Wizard: Morgan
Best Monster: Auntie Gonk
Best Weapon: Riot Gun, by itself
Lightsaber (if you count all the colors)
Best Armor: Spiked Gloves
Mudaholic of the Year: Forochel
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