A Hutt is any of the intelligent species from the planet Varl, a dying
world orbiting a dwarf star named Ardos. A Hutt has a huge, bulbous head,
a wide, blubbery body, a tapering muscular tail, and speaks Huttese. They
can reach lengths of up to five meters. Hutts have no legs, but they do
have short, swollen arms. Two enormous, reptilian eyes emerge from the
folds of flesh covering the head, and a lipless mouth slices across the
wide face. Most Hutts are megalomaniacs who believe themselves the equals
of any gods. They are tough and thoroughly immoral, given to taking and
exercising power over others. As a long-lived speciessome Hutts
claim to be as old as one thousand yearsmany Hutts have left their
homeworld to set up colonies or to mingle with the other races in the