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Command history

Command line history is very similar to such unix shells such as tcsh. There are 4 types of history access, listed below:

!! - This does your last command again.
!(command number) - This will do the command (command number).
!(negative offset) - This will do the command (negative offset) prior to the current one.
!!(string pattern) - This will match the most recent command which starts with (string pattern).

Examples: (Sample history list. Typing history will show you your list.)

10 bounce
9 break door
8 bounce wayfarer
7 grovel

!! will cause you to 'bounce'
!8 will cause you to 'bounce wayfarer'
!-2 will cause you to 'break door'
!b will cause you to 'bounce'
!b*w will cause you to 'bounce wayfarer'
!br will cause you to 'break door'

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