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Alias & Unalias commands

alias - View current aliases.
alias (alias) (command) - Set the verb (alias) to execute (command).
alias (alias) - Check the value of (alias).
unalias (alias) - Remove (alias) from the alias list.

Flags accepted:
alias -reset - Clears aliases and sets them to defaults.
alias -clear - Clears all aliases.

Substitution variables that exist are:
$# - Where # is the number of the word after the verb to substitute.
$* - Will be substituted with everything after the verb.

Prefixing the alias' verb with a $ allows you to set up a verb that does not require a space after it. Look at the default aliases for examples.
Example: alias $' say $* will allow you to use says as follows: 'Hey! This is most Stufly!

Each player is allowed a maximum of 200 aliases. If you attempt to add more, you will be told you are over the limit. PK's, both army and navy, are allotted an additional 50, for a total of 250 aliases. If you have a lot of aliases, you may wish to use the aliasmanager command to help manage them.

Look at the default aliases for examples. Color can also be incorporated into aliases. This is how many people make the 'tags' preceding (and following) their messages on lines.

Aliases can be used in conjunction with nicknames.

Aliasmanager commands

This command provides an easy interface for managing your aliases (imagine that). You can use the h command inside the Alias Manager to get this list of commands:

Command: Description:
<return> shows next 25 aliases
z (num) show next 25 aliases from (num)
d (num) mark/unmark alias (num) for deletion
c count aliases
p (num) set page length to (num)
q quit manager
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