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Syntax: inv [-c]

This command gives you a list of the items contained in your inventory. Items of the same name are grouped together to give you a shorter list.

Using the -c option will include concealed items in the list, but concealed items will not be marked as such.

Inventory or i

Syntax: inventory [-c]

This command gives you a list of the items contained in your inventory. Unlike the inv command, this one does not group items of the same type.

Using the -c option, concealed items are included in the list and are identified as such.

i is set as a default alias for the inventory command. The -c option does not work with the default alias setup, but it can be changed to do so.


Syntax: einv

This command will list the electronic devices in your inventory, with an indication of which devices have been shielded by a sufficiently skilled slicer.


Syntax: gear [-c]

This command gives you a list of the items contained in your inventory. Autoloading items, worn armor, and your wielded weapon are not listed. Items of the same name are grouped together to give you a shorter list.

Using the -c option will include concealed items in the list, but concealed items will not be marked as such.

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