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Treasure Hunts

Creator: Various
Duration: Various
Level: Usually suitable for all levels
Prize: Various event points - sometimes points are also given for participation

Wizards will sometimes put together a list of items from across the MUD which the players have a certain amount of time to find. Sometimes these items have a theme or RP basis, and sometimes they do not. The nature of the treasure hunt is up to the wizard running the event. The details of the hunt will be given to you on the event line once you 'join', and sometimes the details are also posted on the main board in the Customs Office [CUS] on Coruscant, the start room (usually when the event is to take an entire uptime to solve).

These events can sometimes last an hour or two, or sometimes up to a whole day or a whole uptime, until the next reboot.

Treasure Hunts are usually suitable for all levels to play, and in some cases, participation event points are given even if you don't win.

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