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High Mortal Frequently Asked Questions

A High Mortal is a player who has solved the High Mortal Quest and is level HM 0 (the level 20 equivalent) or higher. Players who have passed level 20 are called "pseudo-HMs." They have access to HM exp and a few other benefits, but they do not receive the benefits listed below.

  • 'Free' access to the guild hall.
  • Access to the HM line.
  • HM rn-group.
  • Ability to change your title. [Syntax: hmtitle (your new title)]
  • Ability to make a .plan that is visible in your finger info. [Syntax: hmplan]
  • A personal 'who' list. See: mywho, addwho
  • Access to HM skills for 2 of your 3 guilds.
  • Dying at level 20 will only make you lose your exp. You cannot die back down to level 19.
  • Once High Mortal, always High Mortal. The only way out is starting over.
  • A two room High Mortal home on a planet of your choice, with approval. See: hmhome_guide
  • A beeper to take you to your home from (almost) anywhere on the MUD.
        (You can get replacement beepers in the HM lounge if you should ever lose it.)
  • HM home additions (which cost 500,000 credits each):
      – A private dock (pilots and smugglers).
      – Sluissi ship storage and retrieval service for the dock.
      – A private laboratory (scientists and assassins).
      – Bank services (ATM) from within your home.
      – A game room, which comes with a sabacc table.
      – A dartboard for any room of your home.
  • Ability to become a primary jedi, after a quest.
  • A drink named after you at the Outpost Bar (mail Morgan).
  • hmbozo command (same as the mortal bozo command).
  • At level 50/50:
    • Get yourself immortalized in the Coruscant Hall of Fame.
    • A rank insignia to spend experience on, increasing rank.
    • Permission to have a 2nd character. See: hm_second_char

Some other things:

  • You may only have two HM guilds. Your third guild can only go as high as level 19.
  • At level 25/25/19, you can advance a fourth guild as far as level 19.
  • You get full exp for HM monsters, but reduced exp for mortal monsters.
  • At level 20, you can PK players who are level 18 or higher. Otherwise, the same rules apply.
    Check the mortal death information for PK death expectations.
  • You are unable to party with non-HMs (unless treatied by a Diplomat).
  • When a HM dies to a monster, he or she always loses all of their exp. Otherwise, the rules are the same.
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