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MUD Secrets List

This page was last updated on: April 10, 2011

This panic file lists *some* of the mud's secrets. But just because something is not listed here, it does not mean that it is not a secret. It might just mean that it has not yet been added to this panic file.

If you are unsure of whether or not something is secret, err on the side of caution and assume it is secret. If you think of something that should be added here, tell a wizard about it.

General secrets:

  • The locations of the bountied and subduable monsters (Bounty Hunter jobs) are NOT secret. It's up to you if you want to help fellow hunters.
  • The locations of the monsters who offer assassin jobs are NOT secret. However, the location of their prey should not be passed around freely. After all, the hunt is part of the assassin's job.
  • Locations of smuggling contacts (traders) are NOT secret. It is up to you whether you want to have more competition. This does NOT mean that you can tell others how to access secret or hidden areas.
  • The locations of the slicer monsters that carry slicertools are NOT a secret.
  • Sliceable things around the mud are not a major secret, but should not be passed around freely. Some of them offer great advantages and are similar to quests, or offer information about quests.
  • Jedi Master locations ARE secret, as finding them is a quest, part of a young Jedi's training. The only information that is not secret is in the jedi_master_locations file.
  • Bribe/enhanced compel cab destinations AND destination syntaxes ARE secret and should not be discussed in any manner, shape, or form.
  • The syntaxes for the condo docks ARE secret. However, hints can be given in moderation.
  • The locations of the three Hoth shuttles are NOT a secret.
  • The locations of highly desirable equipment or items should be considered secret unless otherwise specified.

Planet specific secrets:

Af'El:                  - Information on quest(s).
                        - Location of monsters carrying desirable equipment.
Alderaan:               - How to get anywhere that doesn't require the regular
                          unhidden directions, such as "north" or "southwest."
                        - How to get to any hidden areas (if there are any).
                        - All syntax.
Berchest:               - The items you need to get to the smuggler area
                        - All information regarding any quests on the planet
                          and the SSD
                        - All syntax on the planet and the SSD
Bespin:                 - In Bespin Towers: All syntax should be kept secret,
                          as is the location of the secret shop. Methods on
                          how to get to restricted areas are also classified
                        - In the Admin building: any quests or hidden areas
                          you stumble upon. You may party with someone to
                          find them, but don't tell others.
Bimmisaari:             - All syntax.
Carida:                 - How to get anywhere that doesn't require the regular
                          unhidden directions, such as "north" or "southwest."
                        - How to get to any hidden areas (if there are any).
                        - All syntax.
Centerpoint Station:    - See Eichbaum
Corellia:               - How to get to any hidden areas.
                        - The items you need to get to the slicer area.
Corellia Platform:      - The location of the shuttle to get there.
                        - How to fly there is NOT secret.
Coruscant:              - The syntaxes to enter the Jedi Temple and the Sith
                          Tower are NOT technically secret, but it is more fun
                          to let others find their own way in.
Coruscant Station:      - How to get to any hidden areas (if there are any).
Crseih Station:         - How to get to the labs.
                        - How to get any of the hidden items in the labs.
                        - How to fly to Crseih Station.
                        - Anything at all to do with Tigris, Waru, or Hethrir.
Dagobah:                - How to fly there.
Death Star:             - How to fly there.
                        - Any of the passwords to get off levels.
                        - How to get to the bridge, the throne room, or other
                          hidden levels.
Eichbaum:               - No real secrets... Ivan's comment on the subject:
                          "If they want to have less of a chance at getting
                          their favorite Eichbaum item by telling their
                          friends where it is, their loss."
Endor:                  - The locations and syntax related to entering the
                          Ewok village, the Imperial garrison, and the
                          shield generator.
                        - Any syntax or item location within the Imperial
                          garrison or shield generator.
                        - Any syntax related to the shield generator quest.
Gamorr:                 - Generally, all syntax related stuff is secret, but
                          if in major despair, you are allowed to give some
                        - How to get to the hidden Imperial base.
                        - All information regarding any quests.
Honoghr:                - How to get to Nystao.
                        - Details of Nystao, what's there, what's not, etc.
                        - How to get to the planet itself.
                        - How to find/enter the smuggler guild.
                        - Location of Thrawn and Rukh.
                        - Location of 'special' objects on Honoghr.
Hoth:                   - Syntax problems in general.
Kashyyyk:               - How to get to any hidden areas (if there are any).
Kessel:                 - How to get to the ancient mine shaft
                        - Methods of completing quest tasks
                        - How to get the Advanced Vibrodrill
                        - How not to be insane
                        - Locations where beepers work are *NOT* secret
                        - Names of hidden docks
Korriban:               - Khayyin's paraphrasing of Zurk's Wayland comments:
                          "Everything on Korriban is a secret, with the only
                          exception being that Freedon Nadd is there. But
                          exactly where he is is a secret.
                        - Do NOT discuss any aspect of Korriban, do not
                          discuss the location of anything on Korriban
                          itself, the syntaxes, or any of its little intricate
                          secrets.  The only thing you can discuss is how
                          evil it is, but don't get into why it's evil!"
Kwenn Space Station:    - How to get to the hidden portions of the station.
Myrkr:                  - How to get into the Imperial lab.
                        - Any portion of the quests in the lab.
                        - Any portion of the main quest.
                        - How to get into the bank vault.
                        - Where to find the parts needed in the droid quest.
                        - Where to find the parts needed to build the blaster.
                        - How to get into the hidden shop.
Naboo:                  - How to get anywhere that doesn't require the regular
                          unhidden directions, such as "north" or "southwest."
                        - How to fly there (for now).
                        - How to get to any hidden areas (if there are any).
                        - All syntax.
                        - All giveable/droppable items are NOT secret.
                        - Concerning item locations, see Eichbaum.
Newbie Sims:            - All syntax.
Onderon:                - Everything about the planet.
Shantipole Station (Roche): - Everything about level 5 of the station.
Rodia:                  - Anything at all regarding the quests.
Ryloth:                 - Location and access method of the smuggler guild.
                        - Location of hidden tomb area and mine area.
                        - Anything having to do with ryll (where, how, etc).
                        - Location of the Kwenn shuttle is NOT secret.
                        - Anything about the Imperial Training Center.
Sluis Van:              - All syntax and information on any of the quests.
Soleada:                - Anything at all regarding the MRH and barfly quests.
                        - Anything to do with the Whomping Willow quest.
                        - How to get to any hidden areas (if there are any).
Sullust:                - The location of and how to get into any hidden
                          areas is a secret.
Tatooine:               - How to get into Jabba's palace.
Togoria:                - All syntax.
                        - Droids are allowed on the planet, if you can work
                          out how.
                        - Any information regarding quests is secret.
                        - The books are not secret and may be given to others
                          if you wish.
                        - Please note that anyone caught sharing Togorian
                          secrets will face a total planet ban.
Wayland:                - The planet itself, and everything on it, is a
                          secret; do NOT discuss any aspect of Wayland, how to
                          get there by flying or other means, do not discuss
                          the location of anything on Wayland itself or any of
                          its little intricate secrets.
                        - The only thing you can discuss, is how sinister it
                          is, but don't get into why it's sinister!
Yavin:                  - Anything regarding the temples.
                        - All syntax.
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