X-wing fighter
Incom Corporation's T-65 X-wing is a small, single-pilot starfighter
that measures 12.5 meters from nose to engine block. With powerful sublight
ion engines, a targeting computer, defensive shields, four wing mounted
laser cannons, and a limited supply of photon torpedoes, the X-wing is
fast, highly maneuverable, and extremely well armed. These starfighters
are also equipped with hyperdrives
for light speed travel. A recessed socket, situated on the outer hull
behind the cockpit, is designed as an interface for an R2 or R5 astromech
droid. The droid assists the pilot by monitoring onboard systems,
performing routine and emergency maintenance, and even flying the craft
when circumstances permit. Astromechs also augment the craft's computer
capabilities, assist with astrogation, and hold preset hyperspace jump
coordinates. The X-wing's double-layered wings split open into an X shape
for atmospheric travel and when the starfighter shifts into attack position.
The Rebel Alliance uses these
starfighters extensively.