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SWmud Race Statistics

Below is the list of attribute minimum and maximums for each race. The minimum is displayed on the left side and the maximum on the right. For example, a Wookiee must have at least a strength of 10, but it can be as high as 20.

NOTE: One of the attributes on a Human or Clawdite can be as low as 3. They get to pick which attribute they will sacrifice.

Race: Str: Dex: Mech: Tech: Force: Skills:
Bimm 5/17 (-1) 7/18 7/18 9/19 (+1) 7/18 Bsing, Shoptalk
Bothan 7/17 (-1) 10/20 (+2) 2/17 (-1) 8/18 8/18 Avoid, Discern
Clawdite * 8/18 8/18 8/18 8/18 8/18 Impersonate, Shapechange
Defel 8/18 10/20 (+2) 8/18 8/18 1/16 (-2) Shadowwalk, Claw
Ewok 8/18 9/19 (+1) 8/18 1/16 (-2) 9/19 (+1) Tumble, Detect
Falleen 8/18 9/19 (+1) 2/17 (-1) 8/18 8/18 Baffle, Charm
Gamorrean 10/20 (+2) 8/18 7/17 (-1) 8/18 2/17 (-1) Bash, Frenzy
Gand 9/19 (+1) 1/16 (-2) 8/18 8/18 9/19 (+1) Regenerate, Strike
Gungan 9/19 (+1) 8/18 8/18 9/19 (+1) 1/16 (-2) Lunge, Weave
Human * 8/18 8/18 8/18 8/18 8/18 Stealth, Influence
Ithorian 7/17 (-1) 1/16 (-2) 9/19 (+1) 8/18 10/20 (+2) Cultivate, Strengthen
Jawa 6/16 (-2) 2/17 (-1) 9/19 (+1) 10/20 (+2) 8/18 Scavenge, Surprise
Mon Calamari 7/17 (-1) 2/17 (-1) 8/18 9/19 (+1) 9/19 (+1) Influence, Gas
Noghri 9/19 (+1) 10/20 (+2) 8/18 1/16 (-2) 7/17 (-1) Stab, Stealth
Rodian 9/19 (+1) 10/20 (+2) 1/16 (-2) 7/17 (-1) 8/18 Surprise, Detect
Sluissi 7/17 (-1) 8/18 8/18 10/20 (+2) 2/17 (-1) Repairall, Tailwhip
Sullustan 6/16 (-2) 8/18 10/20 (+2) 9/19 (+1) 2/17 (-1) Confuse, Detect
Togorian 9/19 (+1) 9/19 (+1) 7/17 (-1) 2/17 (-1) 8/18 Evade, Grapple
Trandoshan 9/19 (+1) 2/17 (-1) 8/18 8/18 8/18 Fury, Tear
Twi'lek 8/18 9/19 (+1) 1/16 (-2) 8/18 9/19 (+1) Trip, Sneak
Verpine 7/17 (-1) 7/17 (-1) 9/19 (+1) 10/20 (+2) 2/17 (-1) Immune, Rake
Wookiee 10/20 (+2) 8/18 8/18 8/18 1/16 (-2) Rage, Intimidate
Zabrak 6/16 (-2) 9/19 (+1) 9/19 (+1) 7/18 7/18 Anticipate, Backflip

NOTE: Bimm and Zabrak characters are special cases. Since their 'sacrifice' attribute is strength, but starting with a very low strength makes playing unusually difficult, Bimm and Zabrak characters start with a slightly increased strength, but reductions in the initial value of other attributes.

* Humans and Clawdites may select a sacrifice stat at character creation, with a minimum of 3 in the sacrificed stat.

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