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The SWmud Newbie FAQ

New players frequently have the same questions. Many of these questions are answered here, or in the welcome files, faq, and faq2.  Please note this file combines all newbie_faq files into one for simplicity.

Most of them will direct you to read these files anyway, so save us the trouble.

Some of these things are repeated from what you learn in Newbie School.

  1. How do I get started? Where do I go?
  2. How do I turn on color (ANSI) here?
  3. Where can I ask questions about SWMud?
  4. How do I know where I am going? How do I get around?
  5. I have been told by a wiz to change my email address. How do I change my finger information? email, web address, etc.)
  6. How do I see who is currently online?
  7. What is the best guild? What is the best race?
  8. What guild(s) should I choose? How do I know what attributes I should choose/raise for [guild]?
  9. Can I change my attributes once I have created my character?
  10. How do I join a guild? Where are the guilds?
  11. How do I become a Jedi( if all the Jedi guild halls are destroyed)??
  12. How do I get a Jedi sponsor?
  13. How do I get experience? What are 'mobs'?
  14. How much experience do I need before my next level?
  15. Where do I get money?
  16. How do I get things from a corpse?
  17. How do I get things from a container? (bag, backpack, etc)
  18. How do I see my inventory?
  19. How do I see my stats? (hit points, experience, cash, etc.)
  20. How can I set my prompt ( > ) to show my current hit points, etc?
  21. What are "hps", "sps", "exp", "cr"?
  22. What does "align: #/#" mean?
  23. Can I change my team alignment? Can I go Imperial/Rebel/Neutral?
  24. How do I heal myself? How do I use a medkit? How do I 'sleep'?
  25. How do I see how drugged I am, quickly?
  26. How do I undrug?
  27. How do I fly a ship?
  28. How do I know what skills I have?
  29. How do I see what skills I have?
  30. How do I train a skill?
  31. Do I get to keep equipment if I log out? Where do I store EQ?
  32. What do you mean by "reboot"? What does it mean: "The Death Star will clear the planet in # minutes"?
  33. Where can I see a list of useful mud topics and commands?

These are some more advanced questions regarding issues you may come across after having played for a while:

  1. Can I pick a new guild? (I advanced in this one by accident.)
  2. What other lines can I talk on?
  3. How do I turn OFF a line (because it is too spammy)?
  4. Why can I still hear [team A]'s line when I am part of [team B]?
  5. What does "You are too tired." mean when I try to use lines?
  6. How do I gain more social points?
  7. How do I make those neat tags after my name on the shoutline?
  8. How do I write them in color?
  9. Why can't I kill (mob) on Coruscant?
  10. Is there a panic file that lists what shuttles go where?
  11. What is 'bouncing'?
  12. Why is there nothing to fight on Newbiway?
  13. How do I get out of this 'simulator'?
  14. Where can I get a slicer computer?
  15. Why does this slicertool break once I kill the mob?
  16. I just got level 5 Slicer and my slicertool won't work when I try my new skill, bank services. How do I fix it?
  17. I'm stuck inside a turbolift with no exits. How do I get out?
  18. I keep hearing Yoda talking to me. What does this mean?
  19. How come a feeling doesn't work anymore?
  20. I have FLEAS! or rabies. How do I get rid of it?
  21. I'm level 5 and can't enter the sims anymore. Where do I go now?
  22. How can I see any tells that have been sent to me recently?
  23. Why won't (player) answer my tells?
  24. Why can't I (a mortal) read some of the HM panic files?
  25. Why can't I reply to (droid) that keeps sending me tells?
  26. What is 'plevelling'?
  27. What do the **'s around a player's name in the WHO list mean?
  28. What do the ()'s around a player's name in the WHO list mean?
  29. What is a Spaceball?, Warm Fuzzy?, Water Balloon?, Wellington? etc.
  30. What is an [EVENT]?
  31. Do I have to quest?
  32. How do I (do a) quest?
  33. How do I become a Newbie Helper? ([NH])

  1. How do I get started? Where do I go?
    Read those 'welcome' files!
  2. How do I turn on color (ANSI) here?
    setenv TERM ansi   (TERM must be in capitals.)
    See also: ansi, setenv. The setenv file has many useful things in it.
  3. Where can I ask questions about SWMud?
    Most players prefer that newbies not 'shout' their questions to the entire mud. Newbies should use the newbie line to ask gameplay-related questions. Just type: newbie {the question}

    The newbie line is _only_ for questions on how to use the MUD, not for personal questions or favors or chatting.
  4. How do I know where I am going? How do I get around?
    The starting planet, Coruscant, has a map that you can access in most rooms simply by typing look map. [***] indicates your current location. The start room is [CUS] for Customs. You may look up the abbreviations by typing minfo (loc) where (loc) is the 3 letter abbreviation on the map.

    Most planets do not have maps created for them and you will have to explore and map on your own. Try exploring.
  5. I have been told by a wiz to change my email address. How do I change my finger information?   (email, web address, etc.)
    Use the chfn command.
  6. How do I see who is currently online?
    Use the who command, or the shorter version, swho.
    panic who also mentions other useful flags for using 'who'.
  7. What is the best guild? What is the best race?
    There is no best guild or best race. Each guild and race has its own unique skills which you can research.

    NOTE: As a mortal looking up HM skills, you may see:
    You are not able to see the panic file of a HM command.
    Mortals are not allowed to see many HM panic files. This has to do with mortals not being allowed access to HM skills and perks, and it extends to some of the panic files as well. They do exist, and you can view most of them in their full format on this website, under the Guilds section.
  8. What guild(s) should I choose? How do I know what attributes I should choose/raise for [guild]?
    We cannot answer this question for you. panic guilds_general will give you an idea of what attributes a particular guild uses most. Some guilds do not rely on any one attribute. panic attributes will also tell you about them.

    The best thing to do is to determine which guilds you would like to be, determine which attributes you will need, and then find the best races for what you want.
  9. Can I change my attributes once I have created my character?
    Not easily. There is a training center ('TC') available, but the entrance to it is secret and different for each player. It is extremely expensive to raise your attributes there. Read the bottom of the quest_doc to get a hint on finding your TC.

    The only other way to choose new attributes is to suicide this character (erase it completely), and start over again.
  10. How do I join a guild? Where are the guilds?
    Did you read those welcome files? You must advance at the guild hall FIRST, then you can join. You can only join your primary guild. You simply advance at your secondary guilds (you get two of those).

    On Coruscant, in most rooms you can type look map and look for [GLD] for mercenary, merchant, scientist, and pilot guilds. Or look for [GL2] for the smuggler, assassin, slicer or bounty hunter guilds. The diplomat guild is in the Senate Building [SEN]. On other planets, you will have to explore to find the guilds. Not all planets have guild halls.

    Jedi CANNOT be a primary guild when you start out. You cannot become a primary Jedi until you become a High Mortal. See the jedi_faq for more information on how to become a Jedi.

    NOTE: You are given 1000 experience points to join your first guild as soon as you create your character. Go ahead and join a guild, because if you die to a monster you will lose most of the experience points on your character, among other things. panic death
  11. How do I become a Jedi (if all the Jedi guild halls are destroyed)??
    1. First, read the jedi_faq.
    2. You must be level 5 in your primary guild.
    3. You must find an HM Jedi sponsor of the appropriate alignment. Check the lists on Coruscant.
    4. You must find the Jedi Masters on your own. You advance at the Masters just like you do in normal guild halls.
    5. Look up the jedi_master_locations to find the planet that the various Jedi Masters are on. Getting to the Jedi Master once you reach the planet is a SECRET. Do not ask for this information.
    While at the Jedi Master, type learn to see what skills are now available to you, and then you train (skill). You must type the (skill) name exactly as you saw it with learn.

    HELPFUL TIP TO PROSPECTIVE LIGHT JEDI: Without a Light Jedi skill, remaining in the light at levels 1 through 3 is extremely difficult. The first Light Jedi skill you can get is 'calm' at level 4, therefore you would all be wise to save up enough experience to level immediately up to lvl 4 Jedi at your first encounter with Obi-Wan. You are forewarned. Read about jedi_alignment if you haven't.
  12. How do I get a Jedi sponsor?
    Be patient and be POLITE! Each HM is different and will have different requirements for aspiring padawans and apprentices. Many HM Jedi already have apprentices which must finish their apprenticeship before the HM Jedi can take another, and no amount of begging, whining, or harassment will make them any more likely to sponsor you, and very likely will hurt your chances. Your dedication to becoming a Jedi begins with your patience while waiting for a sponsor slot to become available.

    How do you know who to ask? First, begin by looking at the Sith and Jedi sponsor lists on Coruscant. Once you see names of potential sponsors, then finger (player) for more information. In most cases, HM Jedi have more information in either their titles, their descriptions, or their HM plans that you should read.
  13. How do I get experience? What are 'mobs'?
    kill (monster). Monsters or NPCs (non-player characters) are also referred to as 'mobs', short for mobiles.
  14. How much experience do I need before my next level?
    expcheck is the fastest way to see how much experience you still need before advancing in your current guilds. You can also look up the experience for mortal levels up to level 19, and levels 20 and above.
  15. Where do I get money?
    By selling the equipment you get off the corpses of mobs. Most of the higher level players get annoyed with newbies who ask/whine for credits. If you must ask, do it on a team line, as a team member is more likely to help you than anyone else.
  16. How do I get things from a corpse?
    get (object)from corpse or get all from corpse. Consider using an alias, such as 'gafc'.
  17. How do I get things from a container? (bag, backpack, etc)
    get (object)from (container)or get all from (container). Also, panic syntax for how to get an item if there is more than one available.
  18. How do I see my inventory?
    Use the inventory command. i and inv should also work.
  19. How do I see my stats? (hit points, experience, cash, etc.)
    Use the st command for the short version. The long version is the score command.
  20. How can I set my prompt ( > ) to show my current hit points, etc?
    Read more about the prompt. You cannot set colors on the prompt at this time.
  21. What are "hps", "sps", "exp", "cr"?
    Hit points, social points, experience points, and credits (money).
  22. What does "align: #/#" mean?
    The first number is your team alignment. The second number is your Jedi alignment. (Non-Jedi have a zero as the second number.)
  23. Can I change my team alignment? Can I go Imperial/Rebel/Neutral?
    Yes, but at a cost. Look up teams for more information.
  24. How do I heal myself? How do I use a medkit? How do I 'sleep'?
    First, 'sleep' does not work on this MUD. It is just a feeling.

    You must have access to the first aid skill, either by having level one in the scientist guild or by having completed the first aid quest. DO NOT ask for help on how to do the quest. [See the "How do I (do any) quest?" question at the bottom of this page.]

    Once you have the skill AND a medkit, the command is: first (player|mob)
    Newbies receive free first aid from doctors when they buy first.

    NOTE: Be advised that Rebels cannot heal Imperials, or vice versa. Neutrals can heal both, but this affects a neutral's team align, panic alignment. Note that surgery does not affect Jedi align.
  25. How do I quickly see how drugged I am?
    Use the hps command.
  26. How do I undrug?
    Just wait. The bacta (a healing agent in Star Wars) slowly drains out of your system. You will heal faster than the monster will. You might ask a nice Ithorian player to give or sell you some anti-drug plants to help you undrug faster. You might also ask and HM scientist about manufacturing gy'lan spice.
  27. How do I fly a ship?
    panic newbie_pilot will get you started, including examples. It's a long file (due to code examples), but really a must-read to get started flying.
  28. How do I know what skills I have?
    Skills become available to you as you advance in levels. The skills available to you depend upon what guilds you choose. If you read the panic file on each guild, you will see what skills are available to you as you level within that guild.

    Each race also has 2 racial skills. If you look up the general race information you can see what skills are available to the race you chose. You can also read a panic file on each specific skill to see what it does and how you use it.
  29. How do I see what skills I have?
    Use the skills command.
    NOTE: A skill will NOT show up on your skills list UNTIL you have used it successfully the first time. If you have not tried to kill a monster, then your 'melee' skill will not show up yet even though it is available to you.
  30. How do I train a skill?
    The only way to train a skill is to use it as often as possible.
    NOTE: 100% does NOT mean that you will succeed 100% of the time with that skill, it just means that you have achieved the best possible usage for the character and attributes that you have.
  31. Do I get to keep equipment if I log out? Where do I store EQ?
    First, read about equipment. You may keep equipment only under certain conditions. If you quit out, you will drop your inventory onto the ground. If you must leave, sell everything you can first.

    You cannot keep equipment from inside the simulators, so sell it to a shop, if you can, before you leave. If you can't, the simulator will reimburse you for the equipment you have on you when you leave, but it won't be as much as you can get for it from a shop. NOTE: some sims currently don't have shops, but this is in the process of being fixed.

    There are certain places on the MUD where you can store your equipment, at least until the MUD reboots. There are lockers in the Essess, on Berchest, and on Jubilar. There is an inn room on Crseih, Sullust, and Bespin.

    When you have saved up enough money, you can buy yourself a condo which you will keep through reboots, and which will hold your EQ in-between reboots (but not over a reboot). Everyone loses all of their equipment at a reboot, except for auto-loading items: condos, slussi ship retrieval cards, Mickey Rukh hats, wedding bands, etc.
  32. What do you mean by "reboot"?
    What does this mean: "The Death Star will clear the planet in # minutes"?

    The 'Death Star' is the warning that a reboot is coming. A reboot is the process of shutting down the MUD to clean up its memory.

    A normal reboot only takes a few seconds before you can log in again. Reboots are not supposed to occur unless the mud has been running for 3 days and 3 hours (75 hours), or unless it has reached 150 megs of memory.

    Early reboots do sometimes occur when the wizards need to update the MUD so that some new change will work. When the 'Death Star' shows up, get ready to sell all of your EQ and store sluissi ships. If you don't sell your equipment, it will still be erased anyway, and ships not stored before the reboot shutdown will be dested (destroyed).

    Use the uptime command to see how long it has been since the last reboot occurred. This information can now also be seen before attempting login.
  33. Where can I see a list of useful mud topics and commands?
    panic index is a short, very useful list of topics and commands. Some of them have already been mentioned in this file, some have not.
  34. Can I pick a new guild? (I advanced in this one by accident.)
    If it is not your primary guild, you may renounce a guild that you are currently in. The renounce room is in the Psyche Ward of the hospital on the east side of Coruscant, [MED]. Read the room's description and it will tell you how to renounce a guild.

    If it is your primary guild you wish to renounce, the only way is to suicide this character and start over brand new.

    There is another room in the Psyche Ward, the skill renounce room, useful for erasing unwanted skills from your skills list. If you're not pilot anymore, you may not want to keep those skills. But, if you don't erase the skills and return to that guild later, you won't have to re-raise those skills from 0% again. If you erased them from your skills list, you will.
  35. What other lines can I talk on?
    You have several lines. Use the mlines command to see what is available to your character.

    Everyone gets the shout line. To use it type: shout [your message].

    Everyone gets a race line. To use it type: race [your message].

    Everyone gets a guild line for their PRIMARY guild (the one you 'joined'). Type your message after one of these: merc, bh, dip, sci, smug, pil, assa, slicer, merch

    Everyone gets a team line:
    Imperials use either 'team' or 'imperial'
    Rebels use either 'team' or 'rebel'
    Neutrals use 'neutral' ('team' does not work)

    Jedi get the <jedi> line
    Army PKs get the <pk> line.
    Navy PKs get the <navy> line.
    High mortals get <hm> line
    Wizards get <wiz> line, etc.
    Married couples get a private channel called the <honey> line.

    You may emote on any of these lines by putting '-emote' on the end of the line name: raceemote, shoutemote, jediemote, honeyemote, teamemote, sciemote, newbieemote, etc.

    NOTE: Shouts and shoutemotes cost 30 social points. Use of all lines above, except honey and newbie, cost some social points. Cost of lines increases if you use color codes in the message.
  36. How do I turn OFF a line (because it is too spammy)?
    You may turn off any line by typing just its name without any message afterward. You may type the line's name again to turn it back on. e.g. to turn off <shout>, type shout.

    This also works for the <death> line, if you prefer not to see PK death messages.

    The mlines command tells you which lines you are currently blocking.
  37. Why can I still hear [team A]'s line when I am part of [team B]?
    Because you were a part of team A, you will still have access to that team's line until you quit out. Once you quit out, you will no longer be able to hear the line of your old team, only your current team line.
    All players create as a Neutral character, even before their initial team selection, so if you create a character and then choose to be Imperial or Rebel in the creation process, you will hear the Neutral line until you quit out, as well as the line of whichever team you chose in creation.
  38. What does "You are too tired." mean when I try to use lines?
    You have used up your social points (sps) and they need to regenerate. You can check your sps with the st command. Replies cost no sps.

    Alcohol also regenerates sps, with an interesting side-effect.
  39. How do I gain more social points?
    Your character starts with 50, and you gain 1 SP per hour of online time which you spend on the MUD.
  40. How do I make those neat tags after my name on the shoutline?
    You set an alias for using that line and put whatever 'tag' you want in the alias.

    For example, type: alias shout shout }This is my tag{ $*
    and then when you shout hi all! it will say: Character <shout> }This is my tag{ hi all!

    WARNING: DO NOT make tags after your name or use color on the Newbie line. This is not permitted.
  41. How do I write them in color?
    See the color file for more details. All COLOR keywords must have a %^ in front of and at the end of each keyword. Color keywords *must* be typed in CAPITAL letters.

    Example: say %^BOLD%^%^GREEN%^This text should be in bright green.%^RESET%^

    NOTE: Colors in lines now increase the usage cost of that line, per incident of color. This applies to shout, team lines, race lines, pk, and guild lines. It does not effect tell, reply, mtell, mreply, or say.
  42. Why can't I kill (mob)on Coruscant?
    All of Coruscant is a no-attack zone. To find mobs to kill, you will need to enter the S.S. Essess on Coruscant (Look for [SIM] on the Coruscant map, south and east of Customs), or go to another planet by one of the shuttles on the dock ([SHT] on the map).
  43. Is there a panic file that lists what shuttles go where?
    Nope. The point is to get you to explore the MUD some more. (P.S. Beware Korriban and Onderon.)
    However, one common route:

    How do I get to Tatooine? Take shuttle 106 to Corellia, then get out and wait for shuttle 202 to take you to Tatooine. Each shuttle costs 100 credits.
  44. What is 'bouncing'?
    Bouncing is when you are killing a mob and you run into the room, hit the mob for damage, and then leave OR stop combat before it can hit you back. This is HIGHLY illegal, and if caught bouncing by a wizard, you will suffer an immediate penalty, usually in the form of a mob death.

    Ignorance is NOT an excuse. Read the rules files for details!
  45. Why is there nothing to fight on Newbiway?
    Being the first sim, it is the place new people are mostly likely to go, and so the mobs there are killed quite frequently. They always re-pop after 10-15 minutes, but you might want to check out other simulations. Just type a different number once you enter simulator.

    And try exploring Newbiway. It is bigger than it first appears.
  46. How do I get out of this 'simulator'?
    The exact directions vary depending on which simulation it is, but in all cases, there is a 'non-descript' room that you start in. This is the room you exit from as well, so make a note of where it is. When you reach that room, type say exit program

    In Newbiway, the exit is one room east of the bulletin board.

    In the Bimmisaari forest sim, go to the southwestern-most corner of the sim, and then count 10 east. Then head north until you come back to the center of town. The non-descript room is near there.
  47. Where can I get a slicer computer?
    You can find slicertools (same thing as a slicer computer) on Slicer mobs throughout the mud, including inside the sims.
  48. Why does this slicertool break once I kill the mob?
    Some slicer mobs are meant specifically for newbies to kill. If the tool is breaking, you have become too big to kill that Slicer and need to find a higher level Slicer mob to get your computer from.
  49. I just got level 5 Slicer and my slicertool won't work when I try my new skill, bank services. How do I fix it?
    This is a known issue and easily solvable. If you already had a slicertool when you became level 5, just drop it to the ground, and pick it back up, and it should work fine. Dropping it somehow resets it to work with the  newly achieved skills.
  50. I'm stuck inside a turbolift with no exits. How do I get out?
    Look around you. In the room description you will probably notice a panel or buttons. Look at this object, as it will likely tell you what to type in order to change levels. (A 'turbolift' is basically an elevator in the Star Wars Universe). Usually you 'push' or 'press' buttons. Sometimes it is press (#), and others it is push panel. You will have to look at the panel or buttons to know for certain.

    Once you change levels, the exit sometimes shows up. If it doesn't, try normal exit-type words, such as exit, out, leave, or perhaps a normal directional command will work.
  51. I keep hearing Yoda talking to me. What does this mean?
    When you hear Yoda, the feelings are being updated. Now you may be thinking "What are feelings?" Feelings are any emotes you can do without actually emoting it. For example: When you type wave, it's the same as typing emote waves. Other commonly used feelings are hug, shake, nod, wabe, and heh.
  52. How come a feeling doesn't work anymore?
    Most likely, it's because feelings are being updated. If you type feelings, you will see a list of the feelings that are currently loaded into the mud. Check again in 10 seconds, and if the number at the bottom has gone up, then the feelings are in the process of loading, and will be up momentarily.
  53. I have FLEAS!, ANTS!, rabies, etc. How do I get rid of it?
    I'm not going to tell you, but if you look at the item, you might get a clue about how to pass it along. Generally, it is good advice to look at any item you pick up because its description may tell you how to use it or at least give you a hint.
  54. I'm level 5 and can't enter the sims anymore. Where do I go now?
    You should read faq2, if you havent. The planets file will also tell you which planets are meant for players of your level.
  55. How can I see any tells that have been sent to me recently?
    Use the tellhist command. It shows the last 20 tells to you. It also shows who the 'Someone' is who sent you a tell.
  56. Why won't (player) answer my tells?
    It is possible that this player is idle (away from the keyboard), in the editor (reading news or checking mail or flying), actively disconnected (the MUD thinks you're online, but you're actually not), or fighting a monster, and either did not see or could not respond to your message at the time. Please be patient.

    It IS also possible that the player chooses to ignore you. This does not mean you should spam that player with more tells.

    NOTE: HM players have a command available to them called hmbozo, and mortal players have the bozo command. When players who are (HM)bozo'd send a tell, they receive a message saying that they are bozo'd and should try sending a mail to the player instead. If you are bozo'd it is highly likely that the player does not want to receive mail from you either, but you are allowed to send one before it can be turned in for harassment. You are not supposed to use the mail system to get around the bozo tellblock.
  57. Why can't I (a mortal) read some of the HM panic files?
    Some of the panic files are incorporated into the skill file itself. Since mortals do not have access to the skill, then they also cannot see the panic files.
    However, all of the panic files on the mud are also viewable on this website. HM skill information can be found in the Guilds section.
  58. Why can't I reply to (droid) that keeps sending me tells?
    The droid is being controlled by a player, and the player cannot see any replies you send back to the droid anyway. Some players do this just to have some fun.

    Since the writing of this file, droids are no longer allowed to communicate with other players.
  59. What is 'plevelling'?
    This is an abbreviation for 'power levelling', which means going out to get a LOT of experience fast and levelling rapidly.

    Most of the higher level players become extremely annoyed with lower level players who send them tells or other messages asking to be plevelled, and this can get you (HM)bozo'd very fast. They will let you know if they are interested in plevelling you, so don't ask. They will likely just tell you to go do it yourself.
  60. What do the **'s around a player's name in the WHO list mean?
    That player is in the editor. This could mean a variety of things: the player is flying a ship, reading news (panic rn) or mail, or maybe just reading panic files.
  61. What do the ()'s around a player's name in the WHO list mean?
    That player is currently invisible. It could be the hide skill, shadowwalk, stealth, or other objects from the MUD which make you invisible.

    When a lower level player sends a tell to an invisible higher level player, the mud will sometimes tell you that player is not online right now even when (s)he is. This is part of the invisibility code.
  62. What is a Spaceball?, Warm Fuzzy?, Water Balloon?, Wellington? etc.
    These are harmless toys which players can pass around the MUD to have fun. They have no purpose other than this. Look at these items, and they will tell you how to pass them along.

    The Mickey Rukh Hat (a quest item) has a 'nospam' feature which can stop most of these toys.
  63. What is an [EVENT]?
    Events began as a way for wizards to do something fun when they have a moment of free time and want to do something fun for the players. As a reward for winning (and in some cases, for just participating in) events, you receive event points (eps) which you can spend in the Event Shop, which is at the top of the Coruscant Commercial Tower, [COM].

    When an event is starting, if you want to find out more about what it is, type event -info. To play, type event -join. Only wizards can run events. And please remember, there is a difference between asking for a wizard to run an event, and pestering them about it.
  64. Do I have to quest?
    No. There are some quests provided solely for your enjoyment. Look at the SWmud quest document to find out where they begin.
  65. How do I (do a) quest?
    The best and only information anyone should give you about ANY quest is this:

    By looking at all the things in a room and listening carefully, not only will you find secret exits to other rooms, but some descriptions will give you hints on what commands to type. You may also find hidden objects or actions that will help you on your quest, and sometimes you find neat things that the wizzes hid just to see if you'd find them.

    The exact phrase which you must type in order to get something to happen is know as 'syntax'. This is forbidden information, so please DO NOT ask what you should type to get [x] to happen, or where to find [y]. Quest information (also referred to as 'qinfo') is illegal and can get you jailed or rid.

    AGAIN, if you have not read through the rules, do it.

    If you find your way to Kwenn Space Station, in the Outer Rim, there is a bookshop there on level 2 which sells questing guides which may also prove useful to you.
  66. How do I become a Newbie Helper? ([NH])
    panic newbie_helper for information.
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